Part 1

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The villain has succesfully kidnapped the hero and the villain is about to reveal the heros real identity by taking their mask off.
"EY DUDE, WHY ARE YOU TAKING MY MASK OFF THATS LIKE SUPER RUDE OF U YK??" the hero screams and stops the villain from taking their mask off.
"I- uhm" The villain uttered before the hero continiued.
"Yk i could take YOUR mask off too rigth this moment, you would not like that either. You'd go to jail, ill probably go to jail too bcs the chaos ive created."
"Yeah... You indeed do have a point." the villain agreed.
"Well, i think i should get going now" the hero said while trying to get the ropes off from around themselfs.
"Can i help you? you look like u need some help there." the villain asked.
The hero and the villain locked eyes as the villain was offering their hand.
"n-NO!" the hero answered guickly as they together slowly got the ropes off from around them.

The hero then walked into the exits doorway and looked back and apogolized "Sorry that i raised my voice at you, i didnt mean to at all. This hero stuff is just a bit stressfull yk?"
The villain had tears in their eyes as noone has ever apogolized to them over stuff that wasnt their fault. Then the warehouse door slammed shut and they heard a taxi stop at the warehouse to pick up the hero.

Few days after the kidnapping thing, the villain was waching the news while eating their instant noodles with a spork.
"The Hero was apparently kidnapped by the villain sometime ago and escaped by luck?!" the news reporter said with a shocked tone in his voice.
"Yeah, by luck!" the villain giggled to themselfs.
"Im gonna show them luck!!!" the villain said with a playful tone when picking up their cat off of the floor to pet it.

While they were clicking thru the tv channles, the villain noticed that the hero was in a live interwiev that was about to start in about five minutes. The villain didnt bother to watch the ads so they turned the tv volume down to think about the kidnapping.
"Damn, this hero must look kinda like, uh... umm well erm, ehehehe..." The villain stuttered while letting out a nervous chuckle while twirling their hair and kicking their feet.
"Hey just now wait a minute. DID I JUST KICK MY FEET TO THE TOUGTH OF THE HERO?!?!"
The villain screamed in disbelief.

Then the interwiev started.
"Good evening hero! How are you doing? Please take a seat on the sofa" the interwiever said as the hero walked into the set.
Then the hero sat down on the sofa and said "Im doing great! Thank you for asking!" in a happy tone.
"So what do you think of the villain, sir? ma'am? I really dont know what to call you!" The interwiever asked.
"You can call me what you like, aslong you call me something but i really do think that the villain isnt rly the smartest but their still little silly dude'nt. Im 110% sure that they look absolutely smashable under that mask." the hero said.

The villain who was waching the interwiev was just getting butterflies on their tiny red sofa.

"Does that last sentence you just said mean that you have a crush, on the villain?"
the interwiever asked with a little laugh at the end as the villains attention was drawn back onto the tv.
"NO, absolutely not" the hero answered guickly. If anyone would have seen their face under the mask they would see the heros cheeks be red as a tomato.

Shortly after the interwiev the villain opened twitter and decided to ask the hero on their private user dm's   

  _________________TheWhimsical™️___ Hey i heard that u have a crush on me      i completely get u, i do look really cool BUT WHY ME 〣( ºΔº )〣        

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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