Chapter 4

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It was dark and cold, and time to go to sleep for the pups. Shadow cuddles against his mother. Unlike last time, he was warm and safe.

When he woke up in the morning, however, his mother was gone. He got up and stretched. Shadow looked around him and found no one. Not a singe pup, or adult wolf.

Shadow sniffs around for any scent of his mother or his siblings. He eventually finds a scent trail and follows it out of the pack territory.

He follows it until he hears growls and aggressive barks.. He runs right to it and runs right in the middle of his injured mother and father fighting. About 60% of the pack was on his father's side, and the rest on his mothers.

His mother can barely get up. "Shadow!" Poof suddenly barked. "Look out!" But before Shadow could even react, The same brown wolf that attacked him the first time, tackled him again. 

He was so caught off guard by everything that he couldn't fight back properly. It took a lot of pain and struggling to get the wolf off.

When he did, Shadow ran behind his mother with the rest of the pups. "What's going on?" Shadow whispers in panic to his brother Zack. "I don't know! I guess dad came back and attacked mom?"

"Why? Isn't he after me?" Shadow asks. "At this point," Zack replies, "I don't even know!" His mother whimpers in pain, "Why are you doing this, Fang?" She asked shadow's father, weakly.

"I need power. But you and those pups of yours are trying to stop me. I will not let that happen." He replies. Shadow's mother takes a sudden deep breath. "They are your pups too!" She barks back.

His father growls in anger and barks at the wolves behind him to follow him as he runs off. Shadow's mother quickly turns to her pups. "Shadow! Are you okay?" She says, limping to him to clean off his fur. 

"I think I'm fine. Are you okay mom?" Shadow asks her quickly. His mother nods, but slowly starts collapsing with Colby under her. "Hey, Colby! watch it!" Shadow yelped, but his mother starts falling faster. Just before Colby is crushed, Sky tackled him and the both rolled out of the way.

"Mom!" Shadow barked and sniffed her. She was still alive, just injured. One of the grown wolves slid Shadow's mom on their back, and told the pups to get back to the pack. They ran with all their might right back to the territory.

"What's gonna happen now?" A panicked Zack barked. "No one knows!" Poof said, pacing. Scar whimpers, "Are we gonna lose mom?" Now all the pups were worried.

The pups pace and whine. Then, a big white wold trots over with their mother. "Mom!" Shadow yelped excitedly. Shadow was running to his mom, but was stopped by the white wolf. 

"Your mother needs time to rest. Don't be too rough with her." The wolf said softly. Shadow nodded and ran straight to his siblings. "Guys! Mom is okay!"

Excited howls filled the air. "But there's something else. She needs to rest, so we have to be gentle with her."

All the pups got up and went straight to their mother. They all gently snuggled with her, and they all cuddled up around her.

"Are we gonna be okay, mom?" Shadow asked his mother. his mother sighed through her nose. "You will be fine." "But you wont?" Shadow quickly replied. His mother looked up at him. Shadow could tell she was thinking of a lie.  "We will all be fine." She said.

"You're lying aren't you?" Shadow said. His mother took a deep breath, "I'm not sure shadow." She said calmly. "But i will do my best to protect you and your siblings.

Shadow nodded. He lays by his mother. He lay alone, separate from his siblings and his mother. He fell asleep, and dreamed he was older, and had a pack of his own.

He was standing above the pack on a rock. His siblings were in front of the rock, and in front of the rest of the pack. All of his siblings, except scar.

They all seemed t=like thy were waiting on something. Suddenly, Shadow barked out, "Curious!" An all white pup with an icy blue eye on her right and a hazel, almost gold, on her left, steps forward.

"I need you and your father to hunt. We need as much food as we can get." The pup nodded and ran off. 

All of the sudden, Shadow is tackled from behind, and thrown off of the rock. He hit the ground hard, and that's when shadow jumped awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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