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!! second pov per usual :)

In the morning, you wait patiently tapping your hand against the counter. Miko had arrived thirty minutes earlier and was now having a full conversation with your mom. About you. Well, about your relationship anyway. Honestly you began to wonder if she was just addicted to messing with you. "What a lovely young woman," Your mom gushed, clasping her hands together and turning to you. "Y/n/n~ I can't believe you kept her from me!"

"Oh you can't be mad," Miko giggled, forcing herself up and over to you. She trailed her hand down your arm teasingly, and sent you a wink. "We had to keep things secretive, even with Y/n/n's friends. Isn't that right, my love~"

You breathe through your teeth and nod. "Yeah."

Miko lays her head on your shoulder and laces your hands together. "Well anyways, Miss L/n, we should really be going," She smiles, annoyingly bashfully in a way that's sure to make your mother love her more.

"Ah! It's that time already?" Your mom frowns, before breaking out into a grin. You groan in your head. "Oh I know! Miko, dear, why don't you join us for dinner tonight?"

"Mom—" You groan, bringing your free hand up to your face.

"Oh really? That'd be great!" Miko lifts her head from your shoulder and nods excitedly. "My cousin will be with his parents since it's the weekend, so I won't have to worry about that."

"Oh then you should stay over!"

Make it stop-

"Oh I couldn't possibly," The girl clinging to you waves her hand. "I'm already taking up enough of your time with dinner."

Your mom shakes her head. "No really! I insist! Plus, i'm sure Y/n would love to spend more time with her girlfriend!"

"Yeah totally," You murmur, catching a glint of mischief in Miko's eyes. "Ma, we're gonna be late-"

"Oh yes!" You mom chuckles. "Go right on, I'll see you two soon! Y/n, feel free to invite the others too!"

You force a nod, practically dragging Miko out of the house. When your successfully outside, you slightly push her against the door. "What was that about?"

"So rough," Miko snickers, eyeing you. You roll your eyes, tugging your arm out of her grip. Miko pouts, and grabs it again. "Joking. I'm sorry, Y/n/n~ I got too caught up~"

"Uh-huh, i'm sure." You mutter, moving to turn as the two of you begin to walk. Miko relaces your hands together.

"Try to be a little more happy, not everyone gets to have me at their arm like this~"

You choose not to answer, but out of the corner of your eye you do look toward your intertwined hands. Miko is very physically affectionate, that's for sure. A soft silence falls between the two of you as you walk, awkward silence that makes you want to say anything to fill it. And you do. "Your hair—" You mumble. "Looks nice."

Miko raises a brow. "Pretty poor attempt at flirting-"

"Can you just take the compliment."

She rolls her eyes with an amused smirk. "Thank you little one, I try." She eyes you, clad in the hoodie she'd gotten for you as payment. It's an all white hoodie (you swore you'd dirty it in under thirty minutes) with light blue trim. "Do you like the hoodie? I don't know if blue is your color."

"Is that backhanded?" You question, Miko answers with a shrug. "Yeah, I like it. It's soft."

Miko hums, and you fall back into silence.

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