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About an hour later, y/n was getting ready to leave. Her parents had already said their goodbyes and were now waiting in the car for y/n.

Y/n went to the bathroom before she left, mainly just to have a minute alone after a stressful dinner and before she had to endure a car ride home with her mother.

"Thanks for coming," Georgie said as he walked her to the front door.

"Yeah, it was great," y/n said, looking up at him.

"Well...I'll talk to you soon," Georgie said and leant down to kiss her but y/n stepped back.

"What? I cant give you a kiss goodnight?" Georgie asked.

"I think you've given me enough," y/n said looking down at her non-showing pregnant belly.

"Hey, y/n, wait up!" Connie called from the kitchen then caught up to y/n and Georgie.

"Go away," Connie shooed at Georgie then gestured for y/n to go outside.

Y/n went out and Connie closed the door behind them.

"Sorry about all the yelling." She said firstly.

"Trust me, I'm used to yelling, you just met my mother." Y/n said with a fake chuckle.

"Just remember, y/n, if you ever need anything. Call me." Connie said. "Or come over anytime, you're always welcome."

"Thanks," y/n said and she felt like she could cry.

Even though y/n was terrified, Connie provided some comfort and y/n quickly hugged her.

She needed the comfort of a hug, from someone she knew was going to help her.

Y/n could tell Connie knew how scared she was.

Connie hugged y/n back, lightly patting her back. It was the most comfort y/n felt in weeks.

"See you," y/n said as she pulled away and began walking to where her parents were waiting in the car.

"You get a hug and I get nothing," Georgie yelled to Connie through the window, where he had been spying.

Connie rolled her eyes and went back inside to Georgie.

"You listen here, do not bother that girl, okay? Let her come to you, she is scared and is having no support from her parents and the last thing she needs is you on her back, so be cautious." Connie told him sternly.

"Okay, okay," Georgie said, in a defensive tone.


"I know it didn't go great the other night," Georgie said to y/n at her work a few days later.

He was doing the opposite of what Connie asked.

The restaurant was busy and y/n was therefore rushing and busy, running around from table to table with Georgie following her around.

"But I meant what I said, I'll be there for you." Georgie continued.

"George, not now." Y/n said, walking with meals to a table.

"I'll go to baby classes with you, you need to learn that breathing stuff." He said as y/n placed the meals on the respected table with a fake smile.

"Ain't you gonna refill their water?" Georgie asked as they walked away from the table.

"Go away!" Y/n said in a breath but Georgie continued.

"Also, you'll be throwing up in the morning—I'm good with that. You may not know, but your feet are gonna swell up, and your boobs. I'll rub whatever you need rubbed." He said.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now