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Connie managed to book an appointment the very next day for y/n to see the OBGYN.

It was at 12pm, in the middle of the day therefore Connie had to leave the laundromat without Georgie finding out why.

"Where you going?" Georgie asked his grandmother as she grabbed her handbag and was about to leave to pick up y/n.

"I got stuff to do." Connie said quickly.

"Like what?" Asked Georgie, confused and suspicious.

"None of your damn buisness!" Connie started arguing.

"Is it illegal?" Asked Georgie.

"I'm not gonna play this game with you, Georgie." Connie said and walked towards the front door.

"Just give me the first letter." Georgie shrugged.

"Goodbye!" Connie yelled back as she left out the front door.


Connie picked y/n up in her little yellow car and they arrived at the doctors office and were in the waiting room, y/n was filling out paperwork.

"Marital status..." y/n read. "Single."

She ticked the box and the couple sitting opposite them gave her a disgusted look.

"Mind your business." Connie snapped and the couple looked away.

"Name of father." Y/n read off the sheet then turned to Connie confused.

"George?" She questioned asking if it was Georgie's full name.

"George Marshall Cooper." Connie said.

"Marshall," y/n shrugged. "I didn't know that."

"There's another surprise he gave you," Connie said and she chuckled.

"Payment method..." y/n continued reading then her face fell.

"You don't have health insurance?" Connie asked.

"Pretty sure my parents kicked me off it." Y/n said, her face in her hands.

Connie sighed. "Don't worry about the money. I got you." She said.

"There's no way I can ask you to do that." Y/n said in a obvious tone.

"You're not asking. I'm offering." Connie said, sounding sure and unbothered.

Y/n didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Thank you." She said. She was grateful for Connie, she had no other options.

The door to the waiting room suddenly opened and y/n's eyes slightly widened upon seeing it was Georgie. How did he know?

"I knew it," he said.

"What are you doing here?" Connie asked not sounding happy.

"What are you doing here?" Georgie replied, sounding angry.

"I asked her to be here." Y/n defended Connie.

"So her and not me?" Georgie pointed between Connie and himself sounding hurt.

"Georgie..." y/n started now feeling guilty but Connie cut her off.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now