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A few days later, y/n had made the decision to officially drop out of school and had withdrawn her enrolment to Medford high.

Her plan was to pick up as many shifts as she could at the restaurant, even doubles and save as much money she could before she got to heavily pregnant to work and to support the baby whilst she took a year off to take care of the baby and then when the baby is in child care she can work part time and maybe even get back into her dancing then.

Y/n took a breath and prepared to tell her mother that she was officially dropping out of school. They both lost it completely when she said she was considering dropping out, imagine how they'd react finding out she has already done it.

Keith wasn't home at the moment, he was at the tyre shop working later. It was nearly dark so y/n thought she would tell her mother first.

Fiona was working in the at home office, doing work for her clients after arriving home from her office in town.

"Mum," y/n said as she stood at the door of the office.

Fiona didn't answer, she barely spoke to y/n now.

"I dropped out, I won't be completing my senior year." Y/n said and prepared for the yelling, screaming and the possibility of getting her hair ripped out.

Fiona turned on her chair and stood up, and walked towards y/n.

She lifted her hand up and slapped y/n across her face.

Y/n's cheek stung as her head was forced to move to her right shoulder.

"Get out of my house," Fiona said through gritted teeth. "Now!"


After being dragged by her hair out of her house by her mother and her bags were thrown on the lawn,
y/n knew Connie's house was her only option to have a place to stay, at least for the night.

It was dark by the time y/n drove over there. She got out of the car and saw the house was in complete darkness, which made her concerned.

"Connie?" Y/n questioned as she knocked on the door, multiple times.

It had been a few minutes now and y/n decided to try and seen inside. It was dark and no one was there and y/n grew worried.


Across the street, Sheldon was looking out the window with binoculars, thinking someone was breaking into his grandmother's house.

"Who you spying on?" Missy asked as she entered the living room, where Sheldon was.

"Meemaws house, there's a strange female loitering on her porch," Sheldon answered as Missy came to look out next to him.

"Let me see," she said and took the binoculars from her brother.

She looked through the binoculars and saw a young y/h/c woman knocking on the door, desperately.

"Should we call the police?" Sheldon asked as the girl on the deck turned around.

"Nah, she's too pretty to be a burglar," Missy said.

"I don't think that's how that works," Sheldon said, confused.


"Connie!" Y/n yelled through the window, "Are you okay?!"

She knocked on the window a few more times before a bright flashlight was on her and she quickly turned around.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now