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Nami casted eyes at her one and only friend. He sat just beside her in the grass on the river bed with a small smile caressing his face. Only a year younger, he had proved himself wise beyond his years. She could stare at him all day.

She had something on her chest, something she had to tell him. Upon meeting him that day, Nami had merely forgotten the anxiety of the news that had her fearing the days ahead. As time would have it, she acknowledged the peace and happiness he brought to her. It only meant one thing. She loved him and could not possibly go on without letting him know.

Soon Luffy was nodding off, eventually snuggling into the crook of his arm. As much as Nami wanted to allow him chance to rest, it was almost time to go so she panicked. This might be the last time they would see each other again.

"Luffy," Nami said. She shook his shoulder. "Luffy, wake up."

Luffy rubbed his eyes and sat up. A slight warm pressure came in contact with his lips and his eyes popped wide open. His friend was mere inches away from his nose.

"Did you just...?"

Luffy's mouth hung open. No more words could find him. His tanned cheeks coloured red.

"I love you. If I return home now, I will not be able to see you again... for I am to be married. My parents arranged it. I have not met him as yet; if you feel the same, please run away with me and make me your wife."

"Parents?" Luffy questioned. Last thing he remembered her saying was that she was an orphan.

"I'm sorry for lying to you."

There were a lot of things she hid from him. He need not know of her background. He barely cared.

"I've lied too."

They exchanged looks and chose not to think of the past but only of now and both their futures.

Luffy never spoke much of himself. She only knew of his hopes and dreams. He spoke much of a country of freedom and peace with plenty to eat. Never spoke of who he was or where he came from. He knew, to her surprise, right away that she was not from these lands.

"Things really are changing. Soon this country will welcome a new king and I am to lose my best friend."

"Run away with me, Luffy. If you love me, run away with me. Please."

"I do love you."

Nami's heart gladdened.

"But not enough to run away with you."

Luffy stood and Nami scrambled for his hand, holding it fast with both hands. She was now on her knees.

Luffy pulled her up and stared into her eyes. The last thing he expected her to do was beg. Nami was not planning to.

He wiped her tears and brought her close. To her face, he placed a kiss and her hands gripped his shirt.

Nami wept.

In those times, life was not very kind to women. Like children, they were expected to do as told and to follow orders and duties. Running away was not the only means of escape but she valued her life.

Meeting Luffy and getting to know him in the short space of time she did was a blessing. Those memories, she would press and keep close to her heart forever.

"You're stronger than this, Nami."

Nami dabbed at the last bit of tears and smiled.

"I know."

Luffy smiled too.

"He will be lucky to have you. I hope he grows to appreciate you not only for your radiance but for all that you are. You are smart, caring, and kind. You are my muse."

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