Flynn's Revenge

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WARNING: This story contains non-consensual surgery, drugging, violence, and internal organ descriptions

It was just another fun and happy day at the kindergarten. Banbaleena taught the children lessons, Nabnab made the snacks, and Banban was the lovable principal.

However, Stinger Flynn was always left in the dark. No one came to see his tricks at the aquatic area. It was always Banban they loved, always Banbaleena they adored.
And now, Flynn had discovered some papers, only to realize that the employees were planning to discard him from the program…

That needed to change.

"Banban!" Flynn said, putting on his usual wide smile. "I have a surprise for you!"

"Oh, really? Great!" Banban smiled back, running over to him.

"Follow me, it's over here!" Flynn began to float over to the laboratory section, while Banban was right behind him.

He wondered why the surprise was at the lab… Oh well, he wasn't that suspicious.
After all, Flynn was one of his bestest friends—besides his sister Banbaleena and older brother Nabnab!

Once they arrived, Flynn let Banban step in front of him.

"So, Flynn, where's the surprise?"

Flynn responded by a dark chuckle.



Banban stumbled a little, his vision blurring and spinning. A throbbing pain beat against his head.

"Goodnight, Banban." Flynn devilishly grinned, holding a metal pipe.

"Wha…" Banban collapsed, unconscious.

For a long time, Banban saw darkness… then he slowly woke up. He was dressed in a strange white coat, bound in belts.
His legs felt overly weak, making him unable to stand at all.

"Oh, you're finally awake… Good." Flynn approached him. "For a moment, I thought I drugged you a bit too much…"

"Flynn? What's going on? Why am I…"

"Shh, shh, I'll explain it all in a second…" Flynn made his way over to a drawer of tools—syringes, drugs, scalpels, scissors… "You always got all of the attention, Banban. Everytime I tried to shine, you always pushed me aside…" He picked up a syringe. "I know you're the star of the kindergarten, of course, but you were always so… smug about it." He began to fill it with a green liquid. 

Banban began to shake. "Wha… what is that?"

"A little thing they created…" Flynn explained. "It gave us all life. I'm surprised they didn't tell you about it." He faced him. "Too much of it has very scary consequences! From what I've heard, it'll basically overwhelm your brain and turn it into total mush!"

Banban froze. "What?!"

"Aha, yep!" Suddenly, Flynn's voice deepened and his face darkened. "I'm going to ruin you. Turn you into a wreck of who you used to be… The children will go from loving you to being absolutely afraid of you. They're all going to see you… broken… and I'll laugh."

Banban's panic rose to high levels once the jellyfish made his way towards him with the syringe. "Wait! Please, wait!"

Flynn paused. "What."

"I'm sorry… I-I had no idea you felt that way… I'll change! I won't get in your way anymore. Please, Flynn, forgive me…" Banban pleaded, crying and trembling.

For a moment, Flynn just stared down at him silently, then he laughed. "Hahahaha, how pathetic! Oh, how I wish the kids were here to see this right now!" He brought his face towards Banban's ear, whispering coldly. "Sorry, Banban, but the time for apologies is over! It's too late…"

He grabbed a fistful of Banban's red hair and yanked it upwards, making him cry out. Then, he jabbed the needle of the syringe into his neck, injecting him with the green liquid. The sensation burned like flames, overwhelming Banban's senses as he screamed for help and struggled uselessly.

Flynn laughed even more. "Cry, cry more! No one will hear you!" Banban continued to sob, his mind was already splitting.

Once the syringe was empty, Flynn placed it down, then grabbed one of the scalpels, along with a bottle of pills. Banban was still sobbing, then he gagged a little in confusion once he felt something small thrown down his throat.
The pain melted away like ice, but time felt like it was getting slower. He groaned, drooling a bit.

Flynn just hummed, lifting Banban's coat and layers of clothing up to expose his stomach. Then, the scalpel approached his flesh.

Banban's eyes widened once he felt the small, cold blade against his skin. "Please…"

His words fell on deaf ears as
the blade went inside of his stomach. There was no pain, only a strange feeling of nothingness.

Flynn carefully slid the scalpel down Banban's abdomen, and then opened it, exposing his organs. As much as Banban wanted to struggle, he couldn't move an inch anymore.

He was drugged with so many things… he was surprised he was still alive.

"Great, you're all open now! Let's see…" Flynn searched for his pancreas. "There it is!" One of his tentacles reached for the scissors.

Banban couldn't do anything but watch as the jellyfish began to surgically remove his pancreas. Everytime he was starting to pass out, Flynn would electrocute him awake.

Everything felt so… strange…
It was a nightmare.

A few torturous hours had passed. Everything was silent for a while.

"Banban, how do you feel now?"

The lack of response was what amused him. The completely catatonic state of the once cheerful and happy mascot was a delightful sight.

Flynn chuckled, leaving the laboratory. Next was Banbaleena…

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