Chapter 53: To the land of Hot springs part 3

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Four-thirty comes around rather quickly as Kakashi and haruki start making their way towards the front gate. Just like any other normal day they walk in the village, peace and quiet, comes naturally to them as they make their way to Yugakure (no Sato) a day and a half, almost two days.

Thirty minutes and Haruki could feel Kakashi lurking, thinking, trying to find the right words to start off what ever he wants to say. "Yes kakashi?" Looking toward his left side as he waits for him to respond.

Kakashi waits a little longer, one minute becomes two, two becomes three, and three becomes five. Debating if he should really ask or not, after a few seconds he decided to give into his desire, "I've been thinking about this for a while." He pauses looking back at haruki who is already giving him a nod to continue on. "But how close do you consider us to be? It's just that, I mean like, i probably shouldn't care anyways because we are all on the same team, side, whatever you wanna call it, but what made you get so close to shikaku-San before me? You've avoided him for three days straight, probably even longer, but you've told him more than you've told me." Kakashi questions while looking back to see an amused haruki.

Haruki stops to think for a minute. "I'd say out of all of the jonin, you are the closest to me." Keeping it as short as possible.

"But still doesn't explain shikaku knowing somethings before me..." kakashi continued.

"It's not like I planned on it" Haruki scratched his head as he mumbled. "He kinda just jumped me before I could get the chance to run away again." His eyes wandering to the right as Kakashi hummed to his answer.

"Wait.... What makes you say that Shikaku-san knows more than you know?" Haruki questioned.

"I noticed yesterday when you found me at my house. You looked less exhausted. And the little nod of a thanks you gave silently to Shikaku-san during the meeting made me realize that you guys are a lot closer than before." Kakashi ended.

"Ahhh." Haruki should've know. Kakashi always picks up on the slightest things too. It can't be helped though.

They continued their silent walk to Yugakure (no Sato). Then it clicked, "wait... are you perhaps... jealous?" Cocking an eyebrow with a slight smirk appearing on haruki's face.

"Maa, I wouldn't say jealous." Kakashi started looking at him, "more like, I've known you for a bit longer than you've known anyone else. And sometimes I believe that we're close, like really close, to the point where I figured if you needed help you would come to me first. I guess him trapping you did its deal ." He sighed.

"Yea. I got really mad at him." As he rubbed the back of his head.

Kakashi looked back at him in surprise. "Like mad?" Only to get a nod back. "How could that happen? The haruki? Mad? As much as I'd like to see it happen I wouldn't want to be the one to put it on you."

Haruki took a deep breath. "It couldn't be helped. I don't think he meant to anyways. He just got excited and cornered me mentally, which is something I've hated. Always makes me feel like I can't get out."

"I can see that."

They continued their walk. The cool breeze of the wind making haruki's hair sway side by side. The crunchy sound as pebbles are being stepped on, and as some dust fall in their eyes every so often from the wind picking it up so lightly. And the slight sounds of the birds chirping near by. And of course the sounds of geta sandals trying to be as quite as possible to peek on a certain red head.

Does everyone I meet need to stalk me? Eyebrows becoming concerned with the thought of many people trying to find him.

Haruki sighed. "Maaa~ kakashi, I have a little business to take care of, so I'll leave a shadow clone behind."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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