★°•♥Chapter one♥•°★: {A New Neighbor!}

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{3rd Person}:

The sun shines brightly after it rains, creating a vibrantly colored rainbow in the distance. The drops of dew fall from the sage green leaves as the rustling of bushes and the sound of footsteps can be heard not so far from the neighborhood. The wind blows gently, making the leaves shiver and the trees sway their direction as same as the wind blows, the presence of someone with velvet red hair can be sensed.

As she makes her way into the yellow and orange trees, she stumbles across a colorful neighborhood, furnished with 9 houses that had a unique figure to each of them. She Smiles sweetly at the sight and continues to walk towards the neighborhood, as her hair sways in the direction of the wind as it blows gently. She steps on the yellow path and a girl with blonde locks and salmon skin approaches her with a curious look.

"Hmm.. never seen you around here before.. are you new? What's your name?" She asked softly, making me feel a bit nervous, but nevertheless, I answered. "Well.. I'm Kay-" Right as I was going to say my name, a girl with a sun-like head and a sweater with rainbow sleeves approaches to both of us and looks at me with a curious and suspicious look.

"Hey Julie- Woah! Who's this? I've never seen her before, is she new here?" The sun-like person asked the blonde as I stood there nervously. "Well actually.. I'm Kay-" I was interrupted again by a huge blue patterned dog that walked in my direction.

"Heya, ladies! Whatcha girls up to-!" He asked, examining my features as he, like the others that came to me asked for my name. I attempt to reply, but my speech was silenced by a red-headed and yellow skinned boy approached me. He was dressed like a mailman from the 70's. The group of four chit-chatted on how I was in their Neighborhood and why I was there in the first place. They kept on chit-chatting and chit-chatting to the point where I started to feel dizzy with their voices, when suddenly..



{Wally's POV}:

°♥(This was at the start when Kaylie arrived to the neighborhood)♥°

It was a lovely morning, The rays of the sun shined across my eyes, I woke up with a long but short yawn and went down to the kitchen to cook my usual kind of breakfast. I set the table for myself until the eggs and bacon were fully cooked. I dragged them off the pan and onto the plate as I used my eyes like eating utensils again.

I chuckled and scoffed to myself as I washed my own dish and got ready for the day. I didn't have difficulty in doing my hair this time, which surprises me sometimes because I normally use over 16 cans of hairspray every time I style my hair.

After finally getting ready, I decided to start my day by restocking my art supplies since I spent a lot of painting yesterday. I headed to Howdy's with my shoes tapping against the yellow bricked path, when all of a sudden, I spot a small group of neighbors that consisted of Julie, Sally, Barnaby, and Eddie surrounding another person.

Luckily I could still see the new one, but .. I'm sure they've never been in this neighborhood before.. maybe they're new? I approach the crowd and cleared my throat loudly so that their attention was drawn towards me.


I say, as they're attention is all drawn towards me. I smile and apologize for being loud.

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