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Walking through the woods is so peaceful this time of year, no one is around, its quiet. The only noise is the wind blowing through the trees and birds chirping. 'I must be getting close' I think to myself. I keep heading north, towards the waterfall my mother showed me before she died. It is off the regular path, not known to many, she found it when she ran away from home. It became a safe space for her when she needed time to herself, away from the craziness that is life. 

The faint sound of the waterfall tells me I'm close. I smile as I start to walk faster, wanting to get there and see it. The sound of rushing water get closer and closer, I run. I run as fast as I can go, just wanting to be near. I push through trees and bushes, fighting my way through. The sharp sting on my skin tells me I have been cut, but I keep on pushing. I break through.

Finally... after 3 years I'm here. I look up and see it, the magnificent waterfall my mother told me about. My jaw drops slightly, I cannot believe I'm finally here. The wetness on my cheek... I'm crying, its like shes here with me. I walk towards it feeling the light spray hit my skin. It feels like home. 

The rocks at the bottom are covered, you wouldn't even see them because there is just so much water pouring down. I sit on one of the edges, dipping my feet in, feeling every emotion running through my body. It feels like hours, the sun is slowly setting. I know I need to make my way back but I don't want too. I sigh in frustration, I need to go. I stand up making my sure I have all my things. 

'Huh, what's that?' I think to myself, something behind the waterfall is glowing. I tilt my head in confusion but I start walking towards it. I wonder if someone left something behind, maybe I'm not the only person to have been here. 

The heavy water is slowly soaking me but I don't care, I make it behind the waterfall and keep walking towards the glowing light. It just looks like a wall, maybe a reflection perhaps. I reach out towards it touch it. 

The light glows brighter, its burning my eyes so I force them shut. I try to make my way backwards but I can't. 

I am suddenly pushed forward by something. I fall. "Ouch, what the heck just happened" I question out loud. I push onto my feet and dust myself off before looking forward. The waterfall is gone, I turn around rapidly, looking for any sign and it's gone. I'm just surrounded by trees. I quickly move through them, I must have just fallen and got to the wrong place. 

I see lights ahead, and a building of some kind. I make my way there, hoping to find some help. As I get closer I hear talking, this building looks, really weird. Maybe it's just me but it looks old. I find an entrance and make my way into the front. I am halfway to the door when I hear something. I look around but I can't see anyone. I am about to step forward when I feel something cold and sharp press against my neck. I freeze in fear. 

"Now... who the hell are you?" A dark and deep voice says. I tremble in fear, my mouth opens but I can't speak. A hand grabs my shoulder and forcefully turns me around. His deep blue eye stare into mine, I carefully look at him, his clothing, his outfit is two different colours. I can see his weapon, a sword. Oh god he's going to kill me. I feel my eyes welling up with tears as he speaks again. 

"I said who the hell are you? What are you doing here?" 

"My name is Molly, I don't know how I got here. I was just visiting a waterfall and I saw a light. I fell and found my way here. I'm lost, please don't hurt me" I say in a nervous rush. 

He looks at me up and down, and slowly puts the sword back into its sheath. I sigh in relief, my hear is racing and I need to calm down. He puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head up to look at him. My eyes connect with his and a soft sense of calm washes over me. I gulp nervously. He lets go and my head drops. 

"You should not be here, what on earth are you even wearing? Come, you may stay here tonight with the Masters approval, then you must leave" He says. 

"Where even is here? Why does everything look so... outdated? And what do you mean what am I wearing, what are you wearing? You're the one who looks like he stepped out of a bad 1900 movie" I say. He sighs before turning around. He glares at me so I shut up. 

"We are in Japan, obviously. I am wearing a traditional outfit. Are you alright in the head? We are in 1920, yikes women are bad sometimes" He snaps.

I take a deep breath in... did he just say 1920... no way, he's definitely playing with me. 

"You're really funny messing with a girl about what year it is when she's lost. I can't believe you, it's 2023 now stop being stupid" I snap back. His has wraps itself around my throat with pressure. 

"Do not mock me girl! I know what year it is, I've been alive throughout. It is 1920 and don't you dare say otherwise. Now be quiet" He growls. I whimper in pain. His hand suddenly vanishes and I can breathe again. I take a deep breath in before looking at him when I spot something else. I turn to my right and I see them. Eight very large and scary looking people, men and women. I can feel my head starting to spin. I take a couple steps back, and they move forward. 

"This isn't happening" I whisper. One of them appears in front of me. His hair is like fire. He looks at me intently. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Everything is spinning faster, I stumble backwards and hit a tree. My body gives up and I slide down the tree before my vision turns black.

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