Chapter 2 - The Master

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I stand in place, softly shaking, thinking what have I gotten myself into. Will I make it out of this or is this man going to be the one to lead me to my end. 

"Molly, I am Master Kagaya Ubuyashiki. I know you are scared right now, but do not fear. We are not here to hurt you alright. Now I want you to explain exactly how you got here, leave no minor detail. Tell us everything"

I nodded my head and took a moment to think about what happened. 

"I was visiting a waterfall that my mother had shown me before she passed away. She used to love it there. I had spent the afternoon there just thinking about how much I missed her" I felt Giyu take my hand and squeeze it softly in support.

"I was getting ready to leave when I saw a light from behind the waterfall so I went to take a look, thinking maybe someone had left something. I walked towards it, put my hand on it and fell to the floor. When I woke up I was in a flood of trees so I ran out of there to escape it and found this building. I walked towards the front for help when I ran into Giyu and... well he scared me and then all of you appeared and I fainted. That's it" I say. 

"How fascinating, you walked through a waterfall and found yourself 103 years in the past. Some sort of portal led you to us for a reason Molly. And I think we will find out why soon enough. You will be staying here with us, unfortunately the portal is no longer there. You cannot go back to the life you had before. We will provide everything for you, clothing, a room and training" He said. I looked at him confused.

"Wait... training? Training for what exactly. And what on earth is a Hashira?" I say.

"Ah yes, this may take a while to process. But we are the Demon Slayer Corporation. We have been slaying demons for over a thousand years. The Hashira, who you see before you, are professionals who have mastered different breathing techniques in order to fight these demons. The demons are lead by one Muzan Kibutsuji who is the most evil demon of all. He created the 12 Kizuki. These are comprised of upper demons and lower demons. He uses them to change others and murder innocents in this. He will stop at nothing to take over the world and eliminate all Hashira. These few are our strongest Hashiras and they will do everything in their power to stop him, even if it costs them their life. Many Hashira have been before them, and we still have not found a way to even find him. You will train, perhaps you will be special" He says.

I blinked... very slowly thinking he was kidding.

"You can't be serious, demons? I... think I'm going to just... leave" I said as I slowly backed away, Giyu immediately went to grab me but I bolted. 



" Giyu, she is scared and I understand that but she cannot leave, she knows too much. Whether the portal appears again or not, she is not leaving. I have a very good feeling about her" I say. 

I understand the fear, it is not something to take lightly. But, I can feel something within her, a fire like no other. She may well become a wonderful fighter. 

"Master, the young boy Tanjiro and his demon sister Nezuko are here" I am told.



I was running, trying to find somewhere to hide. Just to process this. Demons!? This is completely insane. Whilst in my thoughts I heard someone yelling, he sounds so worried. Maybe I should check on him. I sneaked around the building to find the person screaming and saw him. A red haired boy with a funny looking scar, he's yelling at one of the Hashira. Hmm, the Hashira is holding a box for some reason and has his sword out, what the heck. 

"Put my sister down, she's innocent, so what if she's a demon, she has never harmed a human yet and never will now let her go!" I heard him yell. 

Wait! His sister is in there, and she's a demon. Oh this just got insane. Wait... what is that Hashira doing? I gasp in shock as he drives the blade through the box, blood spilling out. The boy can't move, he's stuck under another Hashira's foot. Oh my god he's going to kill her. Stop him, you have to stop him. NOW! 

I sprinted as fast as I could towards him, running with everything I had. Just as he was about to go for a killing blow I balled my fist up and leapt into the air. He sees me coming but not in enough time to move. I throw my fist out towards him and I land it on his face, making him fall to the ground and drop the box. I land on my side in agony as the pain spreads through my hand and side. I need to grab that box. I forced myself upwards and sprinted for the box. The boy was freed by Giyu. I grab the box before the Hashira stands up and I sprint toward the building. I place it gently on the floor inside and stand in front aggressively. 

My body is trembling in fear, but I need to protect this boys sister, she clearly means so much to him. He runs towards me and the box and immediately drops to check on her. 

"Is she alright?" I say quickly, whilst glancing back at him. He looks up at me with a small smile on his face. 

"She's fine, thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there. My name is Tanjiro Kamado and this is my sister Nezuko" He says. I smile in relief. 

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" A very angry voice says from behind me. I whip my head around to look at him and he is basically in my face. I flinch from how close he is but stand my ground. 

"You get the hell away from them right now, how dare you try and hurt these kids. You psychopath! I swear to god if you don't back the hell up I will punch you to kingdom come" I screamed at him. His face turns to rage and he grabs me by the hair and forces me to the ground. 

"What the hell did you just say to me? How dare you speak to me like that, I am a Hashira" He yells. He raises his hand to hit me and I close my eyes ready for the pain. But it never comes, i slowly open my eyes to find one of the other Hashira standing in front of me with the guys hand in his. 

"Are you insane? We do not hit women regardless of what they do, they should be treasured. Now settle down all of you" He says. He turns around and offers his hand to help me up which I cautiously but gratefully take. I whimpered in pain as I stand and he looks at my hand seeing the swelling now going crazy. 

"My name is Tengen Uzui, it's a pleasure you meet you miss Molly. Now... that hand does not look good. Master, may I take her to see miss Aoi before her hand gets worse" He says. 

The Master nods and I am grateful to get checked over. 

"Before I leave, if you dare put a hand on these two again, I'll hurt you over and over again" I say pointedly. 



I look at Molly and just stare for a moment, that long flowing dark hair and those pretty blue eyes are just captivating. She looks up at me and I immediately smile and take her hand to show her to the hospital. Her face flushes a little bit. I chuckle. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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