00| Part-8

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When everyone started coming, Monami took Kiyan to her desk. People were too busy in their own conversations to notice the little child. After a few minutes Koel also came and saw Kiyan sitting on Monami's lap eating chips.

"Aww! Who is this cute little baby! Come here, I have chocolate," Koel said extending her hands.

"I am nawt a bwaby. I am fwive yeaws old,"  Kiyan said pouting.  Koel was about to say something when Sanjana interrupted.

"What a drama! What's he doing here Monami! Seriously, you need to learn some manners," Sanjana scoffed while walking to her desk.

Koel and Monu both glared at Sanjana, then suddenly they noticed a commotion in the office. Everyone stood up. The CEO was there, standing in the middle of their office room.

"Can I get everyone's attention!" he said.

Sanjana ran to Mrs. Verma's office to call her and they both came back within ten seconds.

"Now that everyone's here, listen to me carefully. The new project we're working on is very important. But the report this department submitted, it was not up to my expectations. Initially only 5 members from here were working on this project. Now i'm giving all of you a chance to prove yourselves. Submit new ideas individually and whoever is selected, will get the chance to present the idea in front of our investors. Your position or experience doesn't matter," the CEO said keeping a straight face.

Hearing the announcement, everyone became amazed. It was indeed a huge opportunity as position didn't matter. Otherwise only the ones having higher position used to present their ideas.

"Don't be so happy, yet! If I can't select a single good idea, all of you are fired. ALL OF YOU!!" He said with a deadly stare.

He was about to go when his eyes fell on a little figure, poking its head out from behind a woman.

'It's the same woman from the other day' he thought. He turned back towards them.

"And children are not allowed in the office. It's not a daycare center. If this happens again, forget that you work here!!" He said and walked straight out of the office.

Now everyone was looking at Monami and Kiyan with a what's this kid doing here face.

"Everyone, focus on your work. You heard our boss," Mrs. Verma said and went towards Monami.

"Monami, you can't bring kids in the office. There's a kid's center on the 2nd floor. Get your kid registered there and you can go see him time to time. My kid is also there," Mrs. Verma explained in a calm voice.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I didn't know about the kid's centre. This won't happen again, I promise."

Mrs. Verma accepted her apology and went into her office. Monami  took Kiyan to the kid's centre and got him registered. It was well organized and there was a handful of kids. Kiyam got excited seeing all the toys and rides. Monami just hoped, he wouldn't get bored there.

Monami's P.O.V~

I went back to my office and Koel came to my desk as soon as she saw me.

"Who was that child? Was it yours? Why didn't you tell me! I thought we were friends!" Koel bombarded me with questions being curious.

I was about to answer when Sanjana chimed in, "If you were a single mother, will you go around telling people about it! You know what people call them? Slut!"

"Are you really her sister! How can you talk like that about her!! Get a life and mind your own business!" Koel scoffed.

I mouthed a thank you to Koel and she smiled. We talked for a few minutes and told her about Kiyan. It seemed that she liked Kiyan a lot. Well, who wouldn't! He was cute as hell.

I finally found someone who didn't judge me like others did. She understood me, whereas even my family members kept on mocking me for having an illegitimate child. Just because I had a child at a young age, didn't mean I was a slut. It was the only one time I became physical with someone and I would say it was an accident. Everyone pointed fingers at me but not to the one who left me there after taking advantage of me.

'Karan Shergill, no matter what people say, I know what you truly are, an asshole.'


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