Chapter 3

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This is more of a filler chapter. More to come. Enjoy❣

Chapter 3

The days leading up to the call were long and excruciating. I was failing in my normal duties because I could not pay attention to anything without getting my nerves into twist. After serving the wrong food to my customers the second time, I requested a two-day off on the pretence that I was not feeling well. I spent most of these days with Jasper, happy that we could spend a full day together and worried that I had wasted a two-day pay-check. Nonetheless, I was too nervous to work properly and would rather lose the two-day pay-check than compromise my job. I was unsure if my application would be accepted, and I had a toddler to care for. By the third day, when I was returning to work, my boss had to confirm with me severally that I was okay to return to work. I was antsier than usual. If the call had not come on the fourth day, I would have passed out from nervousness.

Elle called me on Monday morning, asking to meet for lunch and talk. I worked every day of the week from 7:30 am to 9.00 pm except on Mondays when I had an off until Tuesday in the afternoon. One day and a half were enough to catch up on my chores and other important stuff I needed to take care of. I tried listening to her tone to deduce whether she had good or bad news for me, but she had put on her professional voice, so I could not tell. This increased my nerves, as I was unsure whether it was the usual procedure for other applicants. I was sure Elle did not call every applicant to "meet for lunch and talk," so I was on edge the entire time I was getting ready.

I had to call the daycare to take care of Jasper for a while to have uninterrupted time with Elle. After dropping Jasper off, I walked towards the small café where we were to meet. It was packed with college students who used the free internet in the café to study and do their assignments. Therefore, I had to search through the groups of people before I could spot her at the end at a two-person table. She waved as I walked, and her easy smile relaxed me.

"Hi," I said as I sat down.

"Hey Noah, how have you been?"

"Terrible." She laughed and stood up. "What would you like? My treat."

"Normal tea and two samosas. Thanks."

"Be right back."

She was back after a while and passed me my food and bit into her sweet cake. We ate for a while before she spoke.

"So we reviewed your application." I nodded. "And I just wanted to ask you a few questions if that's okay with you."

I nodded again, prompting her to continue. "It's regarding the attack. Something about it was not clear." While curious to hear the question, I was confused by her actions. I was not sure why she had approached me personally to ask me such questions when she could easily send me an email or request that I visit their offices to clear up any issue that arose.

"Is this the normal procedure? To meet and ask applicants personal questions that could easily be clarified with an email? "I had to ask.

"Oh no. We don't do this. I uhm. I liked you and...No, no, not like that, I promise. I took a liking to you and would love to help you get accommodation. It's not every day that we get requests from young people, so I know we are your last resort, and I want to increase your chances of getting approved." She sipped her coffee. "Honestly, if my bosses knew I was here with you, I'd be in a lot of trouble."

"Okay. So what do you want to know?"

She looked around the busy café, and I followed her eyes, noting that although it was relatively busy, the tables around us were empty. Nonetheless, she scooted her head closer to me and whispered, "I should have chosen a more private meeting area." I didn't answer her this time, choosing to eat my samosas and wait for her question.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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