Remus lupin- boggart

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You and the marauders are in detention after being caught in the forbidden forest late one night. As punishment professor mcgonagall is making you all is making you all clean an old abandoned classroom WITHOUT MAGIC.

"This sucks" i say ringing out a sponge and scrubbing the floor "and without magic too!?" Sirius sighs "this is a complete joke" "and not a funny one either" wormtail adds scraping the gum up from underneath the desks. Everyone was hard at work trying to get the job done fast because there are way better things we could be doing on a Saturday morning. Hell I think this is the first time I've actually seen these guys concentrate on something other than causing trouble. Even James was helping, with what I'm not exactly sure but he seems to be extremely focused.


45 minutes later the room was looking much better, still not perfect but it was fine overall. Prongs and moony were scrubbing a big cupboard while Sirius and I finished stacking the book case, as most of the books had been on the floor when we arrived

"guys there's a boggart in here!" Remus exclaimed with a grin slamming the cupboard door shut. Remus loved bogarts for some reason, he is really good at the Riddikulus charm. He was the first person in our year that was able to do it correctly without making the boggart creepier then it already was "really?!" I asked "yeah!" Prongs exclaimed "I was checking to see if we needed to clean out the draws and there it was! Crazy" "what should we do with it?" Wormtail asked nervously. We all looked at each other with the same grin and I could tell without saying a word we were on the same page

"(Y/N) you go first!" Said Remus smiling at you "why me?" I laugh drawing my wand from my coat pocket "because I don't think I've ever seen your boggart" he replied placing a hand on the brass Door knob of the cupboard "now that I think of It I don't remember your boggart either (Y/N)" said Sirius in a confused tone "yeah (Y/N) what is it?" James asked playfully "umm I'm not sure" I lied "I can't really remember, the last time I saw a boggart was 2 years ago in third year" "well I guess we'll soon find out" Remus added with a wink

I stood in front of the cupboard with my wand drawn quite nervous and hoping it's not what you think it is "are you nervous (Y/N)?" James asked leaning against the cupboard "nah not at all" I replied "what's it gonna be? Voldemort maybe?" "Or it could be a giant snake or something you would see in the forbidden forest" "or maybe-" "shut it James let her concentrate" Remus said "ready (Y/N)?" He asked eagerly "yeah" I replied with a soft smile

Without a moments hesitation he flung the door open and a dark swirling mass came out before turning into the one thing... Or dare I say person that i wastruely afraid of.. Fenrir greyback I heard Remus gasp at the sight of him. I jumped slightly back in fear gripping my wand I stared for him for what felt like hours but could have only been a couple of seconds as he pointed to my left arm which still bared the scars from that night and gave me the most disturbing smile which bared the most disgusting teeth covered in blood. I nearly dropped my wand in fright "RIDDIKULUS!" I yell hoping the others couldn't hear the fear in my voice and within a second greyback turned into a small wolf stuffed animal before being stuffed back into the wardrobe

The room fell silent

I looked over at Remus who was white as a ghost while the others stood with there mothers agape "who.. what was that" James asked sounding rather concerned "that was scary" said wormtail sitting down at one of the desks "are you alright (Y/N)?"Sirius asked putting an arm around you "yeah I'm fine, just a little shaken up that's all" I reply rubbing his shoulder "(Y/N) was that..." Remus began softly "oh look!" I interrupted "the rooms all put back together, guess we can leave now, see ya round guys!" I say before rushing out the door

That boggart was the only thing i could think about at dinner that night and when I was going to bed so I did what I always do when I need to go be alone with my thoughts. Go to the astronomy tower, it's a great spot because you have an amazing view from up there and no one comes to bother you

I lean against the railing feeling the cool breeze in my hair and I look out over the grounds. Hogwarts sure was beautiful at night and the forbidden forest looked twice as creepy and riddled with adventure. I saw a group of centaur galloping off somewhere, I wonder if they're on an adventure. And if you looked hard enough you could even see the lights of hogsmede off in the distance. But suddenly my thoughts were interrupted

"Hey (Y/N)" Remus said softly standing next to me " oh hey Remus!" I said a bit shocked "sorry I didn't see you there" I smiled at him, I liked remus a lot, more then the other marauders, not that I didn't love them also but things were different with remus, I remind myself to blink before I get lost in his eyes.

"So in detention today... was your boggart" remus stopped for a sec to take a deep breath "greyback" I shuddered "um yeah it was" I say staring down at my shoes "(Y/N)" are you... like me?" He asked grabbing ahold of my hand "no, I'm not a werewolf" I begin " I was bit by greyback when I was young but it was when he was in human form, not werewolf so nothing happens to me in a full moon apart from sometimes my scars sting a little... so I guess I'm lucky really" I say looking back up at Remus

"Well I wouldn't say getting hit by greyback is lucky" he chuckles with a soft smile "you know what I mean" I say playfully shoving him "how exactly did you find me by the way?" I ask and without a word he pulls a scrap of parchment from his pocket "of course" i say sarcastically rolling your eyes. I tap the parchment with your wand and repeat "mischief managed" Remus grins at you before he slides the parchment back into his pocket

"do you know what they are planning to do with that classroom mcgonagall made us clean today?" I asked curiously "I herd a new teacher mr keating is coming to our school, he's transferring from some fancy boys school somewhere I'm not sure what he's gonna teach though" "cool" I smile back at him " its a bit cold now, do you wanna move back from the railing "for sure love" he says gripping my hand and leading me back inside "love?" I thought to myself does Remus lupin have a crush on me? God I hope so

We sat on the floor in a comfortable silence for a moment before I decide it's now or never "Remus?" I say moving a little closer to him "Yes?" He responds " I-I have something to tell you" his head turned and his big brown eyes stared back into yours "I know you might not feel the same way but Remus, I really like you, your the first person I think of when I wake up in the morning and the last person I think of before I go to sleep at night and I know it sounds dumb but I feel like you understand me so much better then anyone else I've ever met" I confess now staring at my shoes

But that didn't last long as Remus pulled me in and kissed me I was shocked at first but I kissed Him back and put my arms around his neck as we kissed more passionately and after what felt like forever we pulled apart "I Love you (Y/N)" "I Love you too Moony"

A/N: hey guys this is my first Marauders fanfic I've ever written so some feedback would be greatly appreciated! I know it's pretty long so congrats to making it this far haha anyways leave some recommendations and hopefully you will like the next chapters :)

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