The Past .

422 36 18

Porchay was just 14 back then when he was r@ped without any mercy... he was r@ped by his one and only idol who he thought was kind and caring ...

But that changed when kim started doing some uncomfortable thingd to porchay , porchay thought it was just  because if stress ir sonething ..

He was wrong kim started touching porchay in his private parts, he begged kim to stop but it got even worse .. He and Kim were a thing back then they loved each other but niw it changed kim would always be mad at porchay by the most smallest things .

When porchay just misplaced kims clothes or when porchay didnt cook for him etc .

Kim started getting violent and r@ped him for 1 week , porchay didnt do anything because he was afraid that if he begged to stop kim he would be r@ped for even a month or 2 so he just gave in ..

For a couple if weeks kim keft porchay , that means porchay was free , porchay went outside and ran fast he wanted to go home and he will go home today and never come back there ..

When he arrived at his house he opened the gate , he missed his home .. he went inside and took a bath .

After he showered he out in his pajamas and went down the stairs to eat dinner ..

He had fun cooking and eating the things he wanted to do , he was happy that he left kims apartment .

He went to bed after that , but he noticed a figure outside his window
, he walked slowly and looked at it , the figure was still and didnt move making eye contact with porchay ,

Porchay closed the window and went to bed to sleep ...


Now he is 18 he still remembered what he went through when he was young .. he cried each night remembering it he hated it , he hated rememberingverything !


Sorry fir not uploading yesterday I was very busy ..

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