- 2 weeks prior-
I find it so oddly satisfying waking up in the morning for work some people hate it but it's the best feeling, making breakfast, getting your uniform on, having a good hour before you have to leave, letting yourself wake up and enjoy the morning without the stress you will be late, lucky for me work is something that I love to do, they always say that when you grow up get a good job that isn't a typical 9-5 and for me my job consists of work events, exploring the world, taking pictures speaking to the locals and I'm so glad that my best friend is with me. I don't know what I would ever do without Laura.
When I first started working at Preloved, Pete was over the moon, we held a great dinner party all my closest friends and family turned he truly made it the best party of my life! I will never be more grateful for his excitement to
Me achieving the little things, he never seemed to mind if I had to be away for long periods, we would be in 2 different places and would still FaceTime and have dinner together."Anne!" My manager beams rushing over to me with so much excitement that she could blow in a second "Maryanne" I smile, we aren't "close" but we were friendly enough that It was at least bearable to be around her, "there is this beautiful place that I want you to visit and take some pictures, beautiful place not a lot of attraction, we want you to go! What do you say?" I go? I was so over the moon it had been a few weeks since my last trip and I so missed being on a plane and visiting a country and taking some monumental photos with the local community and discovering more beautiful things "When?" I ask, trying not to jump out of my chair and demand I go immediately, we never get told where we are going until we arrive and I love that the most, it's why most people who join our company leave, they hate the unknown, not knowing the destination and the outcome, but me? Gosh, I love the thrill.
I adore the secret, the finding out when you are almost near and seeing the people wait for you, so proud that their country is finally being discovered, and the stories that they tell, my favourite trip was almost 2 years ago in 2021, mid-July setting off, with all kinds of clothes I guess that is the downside not knowing if you should bring summer clothes or just winter, there she was Tuvalu, formerly known as the Ellice Islands, located midway between Hawaii and Australia in the South Pacific Ocean, according to the American nations, it is the least country visited globally.
When I arrived it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen, being on the top list of smallest population in the world that wasn't the thing that shocked me, I remember speaking to a local, I need to take some money out and he had told me that they didn't have a single atm anywhere, I remember calling my mum and we discussed this all night, I remember her saying "well.. that's what will happen in the future" I guess she is slowly getting that one right.
"2 weeks from now, will you go?" She smiles handing me some paperwork "Of course!!" I put the paperwork on my desk, turning my computer off "You can take 1 person with you for this trip. All will be paid for you, so go nuts!" She stops talking and faces behind her she is being called she nods her head and leaves, but the question is who will I take? I know that if I don't take my best friend she will be so furious, she always wanted us to go on a business trip, "a great bonding" she would say and laugh, but Pete is what made me even start travelling properly, he was the one who supported me the most even after my accident back in 2018, but then maybe my mum would love to come we hadn't even spent much time since my dad's heart attack scare, she is pretty much by his side 24/7 in case he shows any more signs, some may call that overprotective but I'm sure she's scared of being alone...
I couldn't imagine losing Pete, I know he would feel the same if it was me.. all I had to do now was figure out who to take with me.. without people getting upset "2 weeks..." I mumble using the mouse to open up my Callander "Anniversary!" My eyes widened how I'm earth could I ever forget our anniversary, I sigh, he's probably already got it sorted out, the card, the gift, he always went all out, even my best friend and parents would send a card, but then my memory span isn't so great anymore.

What happened to Anne?
Детектив / ТриллерAnne is a 35 year old from a small village in England, who finds herself exploring the world, trying new foods, making new memories finally feeling like she has almost seen and done everything she could possibly but when she is brutally murdered an...