Let's Go To London

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Kiera's POV

*Alarm goes off - 9am*

I yawn as I hear my alarm go off. I stretch before turning over in bed and grabbing my phone. I unlocked my phone and the first thing I checked was my songwriting Instagram as I had the most notifications for it. I clicked on my most recent post and looked at the reviews for my new song 'Flicker'. I got 1,500 comments and 2,000 likes but there was one comment that stood out and I was speechless.

Niall Horan commented 'Wow. Wouldn't mind using that song for myself 😉'

I noticed that I had a dm and when I went to check my heart skipped a beat as I saw that it was from Niall Horan. I couldn't help but scream with excitement it wasn't until my sister and Cara came running into my room looking very confused before realising that I was fine.

Cara"What's up?!? There isn't a spider is there?"

Kiera"When do I ever get scared of a spider?" - I questioned because Cara is the only person in our flat who is scared of spiders. "Niall Horan commented on my post and I have a dm from him too"

Lily"Shut up"

Cara"What does it say?"

Kiera"Hey there Apollo Music... I love that name. I really meant what I said about your song. I would love to meet up to discuss working together. I know you are Glasgow based but how would you feel about meeting in London. Thanks, Niall" - I said in my best Irish accent and I had to say I sounded pretty good.

Cara" Oh my god, that's amazing. Are you gonna do it?"

Kiera"I have to, if this is the only way for me to start working with bigger and better artists then hell yes"

From Kiera -Hi Niall, that works perfectly for me. I am actually heading down to London for the weekend so we could make arrangements for tomorrow?"

I wasn't expecting a response so soon but there was.

From Niall - Aww that's grand. Why don't we meet at the Helix Suite tomorrow at half past one?"

My jaw dropped "What is it?" - Cara asked.

Kiera"He wants to meet at the Helix Suite tomorrow at half one"

Lily"Wow, he must really want to impress you"

Kiera"I guess he does"

From Kiera - Sounds good, see you there"

As soon as I responded all three of us screamed and jumped on my bed.

Kiera"Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening"

Lily"Well believe it. Now, are we ready to head to London. The train leaves at half 11"

Cara"I just need to pack a couple more things"

Kiera"When you say a couple of things... is it actually a couple ?"

Cara"Yes" - she said unsure which I knew she was lying.

Kiera"Liar" - I said throwing a pillow at her "I'm gonna go for a quick shower"

Lily"Let's go to London"

I picked up a towel from the cupboard in the hall and headed to my en-suite to jump in for a quick shower. After my shower I got changed into a co-ord jogger set and put on some trainers. If we were getting the train down then I was going to be comfy. I quickly dried my hair and gave it a quick straighten. Just as I was putting somethings into my suitcase I got a phone call, I picked up my phone and saw that it was from Simon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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