Ep. 14

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{~william Pov~}

We went home

I laid him on the bed and gave him a onahole "Just use that.."i said "B- but i need you!' hikari said

I don't understand, why doesn't heat pills work on him?

"im sorry.." i said

I went to a playroom of mine and gave him a dildo "Im sorry" i said

I left..

I went to my room and sighed, laying on the bed..

I should be in jail for raping someone who is in heat..

I heard his moans from his room, and fuck did it turn me on, he was whimpering and whining and god was it hot

I sighed, gently swaying my hand over my erection... I moaned breathily, i lean over closer to the wall and took my erection out

My dick sprung out, i kept hearing his moans and whimpers

I wrap my hand around my dick and began to pump..

Jesus.. Im masturbating over his moans?! Another reason for me to go to jail.. I should turn myself in

I shot my head up and softly moaned, closing my eyes

I keep hearing his moans and i hear him moving sloppily, then i heard a splurt..

He came.. I smirked to myself and kept pumping...

I came in my hands and sighed, whilst i heard him continue

What a puppy in heat

I sighed before getting up to wash my hands, after that i went to get my laptop, i then saw a chocolate... I remember the girl who tugged on hikari's tail gave him it, so thanks to that girl i guess, im pretty sure she's from a company a bit bigger than mine, Taeyong Architecture or something like that, of course its gonna be bigger, architect company versus my technology company, i make phones, laptops, websites, all those things for a living

I took the chocolate and went infront of his door, i slipped it in the crack and went back to my room

Few days later

His heat was still there, just not that serious anymore, but he stoll gets heat attacks

He was eating the chocolate the girl gave him "tastes good?" i ask sitting down next to him "mhm! Like milk" He said

I held his waist and kissed him "you wanna sleep with me tonight?" i asked, he nodded, wagging his tail, he gave a little kiss on my cheek "I love you!" he said "love you too sweetie" i said

I don't know what i would ever do without him, i then forced him to look at me, his mouth full of chocolate "Oh, you got something here" i said licking the side of his mouth, i taste chocolate in mine

I then quickly gave him a peck on the lips and went to the kitchen to cook him food, he didn't eat breakfast yet. Expected, he woke up at 10

I heard footsteps and turned around, he sat on the other side of the kitchen island, i smiled and kept cooking

I then placed the mac'n'cheese infront of him "eat up" i said, he nodded, beginning to gobble it all up as if he was starved "your favorite is mac'n'cheese hm?" i asked wiping my hands, with a mouth full of it, he nodded happily "Alright then, ill see if i can cook it more frequently" i said

He nodded and kept eating, after he was done he put it in the sink and went to me and hugged me "thank you!" he said

Honestly, i prefer him now than what he was back then, back then i can't even make a conversation with him, or even touch him, but now, he's a clingy little baby

At night

{~Nobody PoV~}

As they prepared to bed, hikari suddenly put his hand up to his mouth and coughed, his throat feeling raspy and dry "hikari? You ok love?" William asks "yes" Hikari replies, his hand still up to his mouth, something in his hand felt wet

He went to the bathroom and looked at his hand...

It was.. Blood...

Hikari gasped before coughing up more blood "Hikari? You sure you're alright?" william asks worriedly knocking on he door

Hikari opened the door, a wave of dizziness rushing over him ".. Hikari?! What happened?!" William said

Suddenly.. Hikari fainted, in time william caught him

"fuck fuck fuck!" William yelled before rushing to his car, rushing to the hospital

Immediately, Hikari was sent to the ER, William was waiting anxiously, finally, a nurse came out "so?! What happened?! Is he alright?!" William almost yelled out "yes sir, but do you know if he was given any poison?" The nurse asks

William's heart dropped to his stomach ".. No, why?" William asks a bit angrily "he was given a strong poison enough to destroy 5 humans straight, any longer with him being poisoned with that, he would've died if it was ignored for a long time" The nurse said

".. Will he live?" William asks "Yes but-" "i don't give a fucking damn on the conditions, just do everything you can to make him better!" He yelled angrily

"yes sir" the nurse said

Immediately he called the other three



I need you all here, now

Huh? Oh come on! I just came out of work

I have multiple meetingd to get to

Im a bit busy man

Hikari was fucking poisoned! He needs-

On my way

I cancelled all the meetings, im on my way

What hospital? Im on my way

Saint Ford hospital, and bring Albedo

.. You sure? 

Fuck im sure! I don't give a damn on what or who he is all i know he knows how to bring those to poisoned Hikari down!!

Who poisoned him?

The Wife of Taeyong Architecture and i know it!

Alright, ill call him, should we doxx them?

Is he getting his revenge? Yes, i don't give a fucking damn on how! Just end them!

Got it


William ended the call, just in time a doctor went to him "you may go to him, but he is still asleep, we have to perform surgery as the poison had made its way to his intestines and his intestines may be infected" The doctor said "how much?" William asks "60,000" The doctor said "Ill do it, just save him!" william said angrily

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