Underneath Your Love

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  • Dedicated to Michelle Phan

~Dedicated to Michelle Phan, for being one of the greatest inspirations in my life~


     I opened another letter sent to my address. A letter for the electric bill wasn't for me to attend now. I shuffled through the letters, and found a peculiar purple envelope. I looked at the back of the envelope to see who sent it. It merely said, "Your Biggest Fan," in cursive handwriting. Out of curiosity, I opened in slowly and took out the letter written in an intermediate pad. I carefully read the letter, like how I read Nicholas Sparks novels. Trying to imagine the events happening in every word.

Dear Roxie,

     I am a hopeless romantic. There's this guy at school, and he's the perfect Prince Charming. But I think I'm not good enough for him. My family struggles to make ends meet. I even had to pick up a part-time job at a local cafe to help. I get embarrassed whenever I see him and his friends, or family, dine in. I usually hide, or maybe end my shift, until they leave. I wish I could just tell him how I feel, but I'm scared that he might not return my feelings, because he's totally out of my league. Do you have any advice?

Thank you.


     I suddenly felt that she is in great need. I decided to help Valerie. I took out some papers and slid one in my black typewriter. I stared at the paper blankly, thinking what to say to her. I finally typed the first eight words I thought of on the paper.

Dear Valerie,

Let me share a story with you. 

     I reminisced my love story that happened to me. It was just like Valerie's. Except that, Valerie hasn't reach the climax of the fairy tale. I typed the exposition of my love story.

     When I was still studying in university, I worked every Friday to Sunday as a manicurist at Royal Majesty Spa. Because I was balancing work and uni, I rarely had time for social life. But I used the money I earned from the nail salon to help my mum pay bills. Well, it was hard, because I've always looked forward to Fridays. Meet Jack Harries. My real life Prince Charming. Every Friday, Jack would bring his grandmother into the spa for her weekly manicure. As much as wished he would notice me, I always wear my mask. I was scared because I never felt confident to reveal who I really was. 

     This is how I first met him. I wore the mask and looked down on the surface of my table, while he was giving his grandmother to my mum who usually does her manicure. He sat down on the waiting couch, reading magazines.

     "Roxie, give Jack a manicure," mum called to me. My cheeks flushed a deep red color, but it was never seen because of my mask. "No, mum. I don't think boys like him would want manicures," I answered her. "Jack," Mum called to the boy sitting on the waiting couch reading magazines. The boy looked up and listened to my mum attentively. "Why don't you go to my daughter. She'll give you a manicure," she said. Why, oh why, Mum? "Oh, no. I'm completely fine. I'm just here for my grandmother," he answered. Please defend yourself. "Jack, come on," Mum whined, sort of.

     "I don't think the nail polish colors fit me," he said holding up a little plastic plate, showing the colors of the nail polish we use, "I'm completely good. Just going to read magazines here." Mum stood up and went to Jack. Directing him to the seat in front of me. Oh no. I'm going to die. I'm too young to die! 

     I suddenly stopped, remembering my first thoughts about Jack. How his brown hair was in a quiff. How his style always intrigues girls. And those hazel green eyes. Those dazzling eyes that sparkle. My cheeks suddenly flushed a deep red color. I typed the rest of the exposition on the white paper, that was waiting patiently.

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