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Hi my name is Avery Reed my dad Issac and my mom Natalia were in a toxic relationship he promised her if he married her he would give her a house a better life her parents kicked her out of the house when she was 16 she lived with Isaac's family in his mom and dad's house my parents got married on Friday the 13th I'm guessing that's another reason why they're relationship was so bad on they're weeding night they did the deed my mom got pregnant but my dad didn't want me my dad has a history with drugs in middle school he brought marijuana to school and went to juvy he was in and out of jail he abused my mom and cheated on her he never had a job my mom worked two jobs to pay for us one night my mom decided to leave him she packed all our stuff I was 8 my dad got mad that my mom was leaving him he threw her across the room she fell over my play pin he was strangling her punching her she was smart tho she pretend that she was dead he ran out of the room to go call his mom while she grabbed me our stuff and ran to the car we got in my dad came running out of the house trying to break the windows of our small blue car we drove to our family ranch where some of my family lived including my grandpa my grandma and grandpa divorced she now lived in Athens my mom told my grandpa what happened and to drive him to Athens to hide from my dad who was trying to kill her we stayed in Athens for about two years before we came back down my mom met my step  father who raised me when he met my mom we lived in an apartment before we rented a small house my mom kept me away from my dad for about 7 years now I know why I went to my grandma's house while they told me that my dad was away when really he was there waiting for me he looked different he once came to my awards for school he was taking pictures of me then I didn't realize him he had gained some weight grew a beard I thought it was weird that a man whom I didn't realize was taking pictures of me and smiling at me I shook it off but he sat with me I asked who are you he said I'm your dad my mom didn't tell me much about my dad till I got older but I knew if my mom kept me away from this man he must be bad I didn't really know what to do my mom couldn't attend my awards because she went to a funeral of one of her friends I didn't really speak to him because it was uncomfortable luckily the awards ended he asked me if I wanted to go home with him I said sorry I gotta do some schoolwork test coming up I was 10. When I was 15 I went to my grandma's house they told me my dad was away I didn't really want to let my dad into my life after what my mom told me about him my grandma lied to me when I got off the car I felt something was wrong I walked into the house walked into the kitchen there I saw him sitting at the end of the table I felt as if my heart skipped a beat as if I couldn't breathe I have anxiety attacks and panic attacks that are horrible I also have disabilities I have HDHD autism insomnia anxiety panic attacks it's really hard for me to make friends anyway back to my dad my heart skipped a beat as if I couldn't breathe it felt like I was starting into the eyes of a horrible beast he got up and hugged me I just stood there in shock scared he let go and I saw this evil glare in his eyes my grandma came and hugged me the whole time I was there he just talked shit about my mom it made me want to cry but I wasn't going to let him know he got to me I was ready to go home I asked my grandma to take me home I didn't want my dad knowing where I lived god knows what he would do my grandma said no my dad is going to take me home we argued she said either he takes you home or you don't go home at all so I told him where I lived once we got there I ran to my gate and went into the gate looking threw the crack seeing if he left he parked there for a little bit before speeding away my dad speeds a lot even with me in the car it's terrifying I went inside my mom asked who took me home I said my dad I saw the panic in her eyes she hurried me inside then locking both doors she asks me what happened as I tell her I start crying hyperventilating anxiety going through the roof as I laid in my bed my eyes all puffy from crying trying to sleep but everytime I closed my eyes I was staring into his eyes I couldn't sleep when I did go to sleep I had a nightmare of him killing my mom and me whether he pushed us off a building drowning us stabbing us in a field it was like that for two years waking up crying or staying awake all night although the same thing happened every time I went over I kept going back the thing about me is I always go back to the people that hurt me because it's hard for me to have friends or anyone the friends I did had abused me one of them had a kitchen knife in her room and got made and stabbed me in my hip I bleed for about an hour before it stopped she does it every once in a while I never told anyone because she said if I did she would kill me I covered the  bruises and blood I pushed through the pain because I knew if I cut her out of my life I would be alone and she threatened to kill me and my mom so I stayed even though I was getting stabbed or kicked in the stomach strangled getting my hair pulled getting punched getting thrown up into the deep end of the pool not knowing how to swim a bunch of other things to but I was also abused by my boyfriend and my other friend the first time she stabbed me I tried to stop the bleeding but it bled for an hour I had blood all over my hands but she let me go after she stabbed me she told me if I told anyone what happened or tried to get rid of her she would kill me and my mom honestly I don't care about my life I would end it myself but my mom would be devastated I couldn't do that to her after all she done for me so I kept my mouth shut every morning before school she would take me to school but she would also stabb me before school so I would walk around school with a stabbed wound I pushed threw the pain I was bullied by them every day no one did anything it was horrible but I lived my life suffering. There's a new guy today his name is Adam Black he's the most handsome guy I've ever seen he's built like a truck his arms so big that it looks like it could rip his shirt his beautiful blue eyes with grey his dark brown hair he's probably 6'8 I'm barely 5'1 every girl was drooling over him especially my so called friend who stabbed me Bentley was already claiming him touching his hair flirting I just roll my eyes while I walk passed them then I realized oh shit she saw me roll my eyes she going to kill me Adam and I make eye contact he doesn't stop looking at me Bentley is pissed she gets up and punches me across the face I can feel blood coming from my nose down my chin then she throws me on the floor where she stabbed me this morning I scream in pain the teacher isn't here yet she gets on top of me punching and punching me till Adam gets her off of me and pushes her to the side then grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the classroom to the restroom I'm in shock the new guy the most handsome guy saved me then it comes to my head I'm dead Bentley is going to kill me once we get into the girls bathroom Adam locks the door then grabs me and puts me on the top of the counter and I look to the mirror behind me fuck my face and clothes and neck is covered in blood I have bruises everywhere Adam grabs paper towels and wets them as he grabs my face and starts cleaning the blood I'm lost in my mind I'm pulled out of my thoughts when he says are you ok his voice is so calming so deep when he touches me I feel sparks like electricity its so soothing I say I'm ok I'm used to pain it's not the first time it happened I see a sad glare in his eyes he says don't worry she won't hurt you anymore not as long as I'm here. In my thoughts I'm thinking why is this guy saying this he doesn't even know me is this a trick can I trust him he asks what's your name love I ignore the butterflies of him calling me love my name is Avery Reed he says a very beautiful name for a very beautiful girl suddenly I feel something coming from the back of my neck I get off from the counter and run to the trash can throwing all of my breakfast up Adam comes up behind me grabbing my long light brown hair with some dark highlights that are natural from my face and holding it up as he puts his hand on my back to let me know he's there as I finish I walk back to the sink rinsing my mouth then I feel blood from my hip where Bentley stabbed me i feel a sharp pain and fall to the floor holding the wound crying trying to stop it from bleeding Adam rushes to my side he asks for my permission before lifting up my shirt to see my wound he lifts up my shirt and grabs paper towels holding them against my wound to stop the bleeding the pressure hurts a lot and he can see so he holds my hand and whispers sweet things in my ear it stops bleeding and he says we need to go to the nurse so they can put disinfectant on it I quickly say no I can't because they'll ask what happened and how am I supposed to make up an excuse for a stabb wound he keeps saying we have to or it's going to get worse I say I can't he asks why panic comes to my eyes as I feel a panic attacks I fall to the floor as I feel no air coming in I feel my body tense and shaking my vision gets spotty I feel like I'm going to pass out Adam quickly comes to me he grabs me and sits me to straddle him on his lap he tells me it's ok breathe just breathe I hate it when people tell me to breathe but I can't they don't understand I don't have air it feels like Im dieing he rubs his hands up and down my arms and my eyes become heavy as they close I hear Adam say hold on love.

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