will i be punished for my sins?

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dear god. I've committed countless sins. I'm filthy and not worth seeing you. my Thoughts are dirty and inpure. this body you gave me is full of scars i made. i ruined your creation, will i be punished for that? my thoughts have been dirtiedy with death, suicide and murder. my heart has been filthied by my inpure desires. im filthy and dont deserve you're love. I've hated this body you gave me more times than I've loved it. all these scars, i can count them but they would be too much. too many times I've wished to die my way, and not the way you intended. you've made me this way, so why to i cry if i see myself in the mirror? why do i wear a mask to hide myself? god please answer me. help me. save me. I don't want to live like this anymore.

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