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I hear a lot of people wishing they could understand what was going on inside other people's minds. You hear it all the time "Oh I just don't know what they are thinking. I can't comprehend it!" It's a unanimous problem, partners, friends, co-workers, bosses, random people you meet on the street. Any situation that occurs between two people has a chance of one not knowing what the other is thinking.

Well except me. I guess it isn't really a unanimous problem if I am the exception. It's an almost unanimous problem to not know what others are thinking. I'm the exception to that rule due to the fact that I have, there really only is one word for it, telepathy.

Yep. I'm Ally the eighteen-year-old telepathic sixth form student. How's that for an introduction ha!

Greek tele for "distance" and pathos for "feeling" or, more accurately for me, "experience". Tele plus pathos, telepathy. Got to love etymology. In layman's terms, I can feel what others feel. Hear what others think. Know what others know. I can experience people's present alongside them. I have no need to worry about what people might be thinking, because I know, for certain. If I'm paying attention of course.

It doesn't work selectively. I don't choose someone and peek inside their mind. It's like being at a crowded party with lots of conversations happening simultaneously. I can focus on someone sure. But often there are an awful lot of voices. I have certainly gotten better at drowning some of them out and my headaches have calmed down significantly, but I still get a flood of thoughts whenever others are near.

I guess that is what caused my current predicament. The mass acceptance of hundreds of thoughts, images and ideas into my head every day of my life had some...side effects. I'm not really certain at what age I understood what was happening. What ability I possessed. But I figured out some of the full implications of my power upon myself in my teenage years and the effects have grown ever since. The effects became more apparent until now, at the age of eighteen, I understand the full implications of what it's done to me. The long and short of it is that it has made me insanely horny.

Yeah yeah, I know. Horny? Are you kidding? You have the ability to read people's minds. I thought this was about you becoming a superhero. Well I have news for you buddy. Life ain't that simple.

There are others out there. I'm pretty sure. If it has happened to me and I have no reason why, then it is just something that is happening. I didn't fall into any toxic waste or get bitten by any creature. What creature would give telepathy anyway? Ant or bee queens maybe? They have the whole hive mind thing going on right? That is to do with pheromones as far as I know so maybe I have something like that. Maybe I pick up on pheromones or electrical signals? Sorry, I'm getting distracted. Since I didn't have any specific thing that caused it and as far as I know I have had it my entire life, this ability, this power, I can only imagine it is genetic. Maybe I'm the first and it will only be my children that have powers, or maybe it'll start happening the world over, there are some stories already out there. People lifting cars off people or going into burning buildings are nothing unusual. Heroic, but normal. Recently though, there are an awful lot of them occurring with people my age. Who knows where it will go. All I know is, compared to whatever they have, telepathy isn't the best superpower to fight crime. I can see it coming maybe. If I'm there. But stopping it? Saving lives? I'm learning self defence and martial arts but I still don't think I can Kung Fu bank robbers even if I can spot them before they draw their guns.

Besides who goes into banks these days. All about that internet banking life!

So, where was I? Oh yeah, I'm really horny. No, come on, okay I'm not the best at phrasing things I know. The issue is I get everyone's thoughts. Constantly. Always. Every one of them bombarding me from every angle.

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