Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

 After eating my mom's delicious pancakes, Celeste picked us up. Well, she thought it would just be me like always so she was surprised when I walked out with two other people that she didn't really know. They had met once before but they never really talked after that.

 "Hello!" I said as I got into her car.

 "Hey!" she told me and then turned to the back and looked at Ivy and Jake. "Hey, I know we met, but who are you again?"

 "I am Ivy, and this is my brother Jake. You're Celeste, right?"

 "Yeah. It's nice to meet you again. I assume I will be seeing more of you now?"

 "I think so, yeah. Scarlet is a good friend to us now after yesterday."

 I recapped Celeste on what happened yesterday and she started to complain how I didn't call her and ask her for help. In my defense, I didn't call anyone. I just asked for the homework. I hate how she made it about her.

 When we got to school, Jake and Ivy went to class early. Celeste had this paper due by tonight so she went to go ask her professor to review it. I was left alone so I decided to simply go to visit Andrean for a few before my class in thirty minutes.

 I walked in and he was at his normal position behind the counter.

 "Hey, are you going to a party during break?"

 Creepy. "Uh- I'm undecided but most likely, why? How did you know that?"

 "I got a note this morning when I opened up the shop and the first person to come into mind about the subject of the note was you."

"What did the note say?"

 He shuffled around to grab the note from a small stack of papers and handed it to me. "I thought it was really weird since the shop was locked up and nothing is showing up on this camera feed."

 I unfolded it and set my eyes to it.

I guess you and her are close.

So close that you can convince her

To go to that Winter Party.

Tell her to go and make sure

That she is there.

Don't want to disappoint me

I hate a spoiled plan

But to have her there

Would be grand.


A (For now) Satisfied Customer

 I folded up this note and leaned my head on my hands that now rested on the counter. Nobody knew about me going yet, besides now Andrean. I hadn't even been able to bring it up with Celeste. Then a thought hit me like a train.

 I had completely forgotten about the note I had received two days ago. I dug through my backpack where I had placed the note in my notebook and handed it to Andrean internally cringing because of the creepiness I was feeling inside.

 He read it slowly and then reread it out loud. "Who the hell is this?"

 "I don't know! I'm guessing they are the same person since you are the only person that knows and Jake, the one who invited me, doesn't even know who you are, let alone that I talk to you. What do I do?"

 "My guess would be to let it go. College kids are really stupid and they play pranks on any girl they see in a ten foot radius."

 I nodded and tried to breathe. A moment of silence lapsed between us. "Would you mind if I kept the note you have? I want to keep track of these in case any more pop up."

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