I Hope You Find Your Peace of Mind

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Wanda shook as she watched the woman before her. She had dream walked into this woman's reality and had spent time with her. She had intended to get to her boys but got distracted. She chased America Chavez and fell into the world with Marilyn.

Marilyn knew every single time she acted strange, feeling her out and giving her meaningful glances, but Wanda was still Wanda even if she was older and in such a bad place.

Marilyn made her feel almost as safe as Vision. Then she somehow started to dream walk too. She never explained exactly what her powers were. She had visited Wanda in her own world and had almost convinced her to stop what she was doing, but in this world Marilyn had died horribly. Just another death.

"Wanda, I thought the worst when... when I died and couldn't come to you, then you stopped coming to me." Marilyn said softly, taking a step toward Wanda. Her hands, outstretched and begging, started to glow like Wanda's,  but the tendrils were blue.

"Rily, please stop." Wanda said, calling Marilyn by her nickname. She winced at the slip up, she didn't want Marilyn getting close again.

"I can't. Not when I'm worked up." Marilyn whispered, looking at her hands.

"I don't mean that." Wanda said through her teeth, her lips tight as she struggled with her emotions.

Marilyn hated the way her muscles pulled her lips into a trembling pucker. She would scrunch her nose in the cute way she did, but it would be to fight tears this time. Her cheeks hallowed as she kept her lips still.

Her cheeks had become so sharp and her eyes so sunken. Her glowing eyes bore holes in Marilyn as she nodded, realizing what Wanda meant.

"We can move on from this." Marilyn promised.

"There is nothing more for me." Wanda muttered.

"You think you don't deserve to move on, but we can, let me help you destroy the book." Marilyn offered, glancing for the first time at the others. They had been there all along, at the ready, for when Wanda refused.

"All of you, just leave." Wanda said, her husky voice cracking with exhaustion. When had she last slept properly? Marilyn knew Wanda was either up as long as she could be, corrupted by the book, or she was waking from dreams with her children with tears running down her cheeks.

"I won't." Marilyn said," I know you're scared, I am too, but you know how to surprise better than anyone I know. After this, you can do more than survive. I promise that."

"How can you promise me fairy tales? When you are putting that very tale at risk in the same breath?" She asked with an angry snarl.

When Marilyn lifted a hand to protest, Wanda hit them all with a blast of power, sending them back away from her. She trusted America to open a portal and save them in her fear or Wong to.

Marilyn didn't care what happened to them, she knew what would happen if Wanda did this herself. Marilyn's eyes started to glow deep blue as tendrils of power gathered in her hands. She eased to a stop in an upright position, hovering a moment before launching herself upwards. She landed just as Wanda started to pull the book of the dead apart.

She ran forward as Wanda's power started to blast outward. The tower started to collapse around them but Marilyn started reaching out and grabbing things woth the blue power from her hands. She tossed it aside, looking like a toddler without training wheels.

"Do you even know how to use those powers?" Wanda screeched.

"No, but you didn't until recently and you did fine. I can manage." She said, catching a falling wall, watching it shatter as it hit her power.

"So you're a witch too?" Wanda asked.

"Honestly don't know what I am. A mimic of some sort." Marilyn shouted,"Now finish this and let's get out of here before anyone knows you survived."

Marilyn pressed her back to Wanda's and held a field of power over them. It didn't completely protect them but it did stop them being crushed entirely.

"Leave me!" Wanda shouted. Marilyn smiled widely.

"Not happening, Red." She knelt down, letting the debri almost crush them but using that as leverage to push up and push it all off of them at the last moment.

"Rily!" Wanda shouted as Marilyn collapsed from exhaustion. She wasn't a witch, so the power of the Scarlet Witch was just too much.  Everything swam in her vision. 

"Don't make me lose you again." Marilyn begged, reaching for Wanda's face as she lay in Wanda's arms. Just as she touched her cheek, everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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