listen to your heart 🩷

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Jonathan's POV
I was looking at Y/N looking at Joe with heart eyes I wish she would look at me like this I know she's my friend but I can't control these feelings for her ever since Sherry rejected me I started seeing Y/N more than a friend because she's always been there for me I know she has feelings for me also we getting closer because Sherry and her friends constantly bullied us calling me Ichabod and calling her bride of Ichabod not that I don't mind them thinking we are a couple, Y/N wasn't bothered either we were in love with each other until Joe Sherry's friend came to our school and started bullying me but not Y/N. I saw Joe flirting with my Y/N making me mad with rage and jealousy she started talking more to him, Sherry notice this and walked up to them, "Didn't I tell you to stop talking to this nerd she's Ichabod's girlfriend," pushing her against the lockers looking at me. " Hey, Ichabod come get your girlfriend away from my friend before I kill her," says Sherry with a cold look on her face. "I wasn't talking to this nerd Sherry I was bullying her because she won't stop bothering me," says that lying bully he blamed my darling and I won't allow it. "I swear I wasn't bothering him Sherry he approached me and started talking to me right Jonny," says Y/N looking at me sweetly while Sherry's boyfriend Bo hit her in the stomach and I saw red, Scarecrow talking to me in my head.

Are you going to let them hurt the love of your life or better yet our life because she is sweet beautiful and smart like you and loves fear like me? No one hurts her she's mine if they think they can hurt her then it's a huge mistake. Then go tell them Joe is flirting with her and talk to her, make Y/N realize that the love of her life is you now go.

"Y/N is telling the truth Joe flirts and talks to her she didn't do anything wrong it was him," I say defending her in hopes of getting her love. Sherry lets go of Y/N and looks at Joe coldly, "Is that true Joe because if it is we cannot be friends if you talk to the bride of Ichabod she's not like us," says Sherry making me mad talking about my dear like this. "I swear I wasn't, she was the one flirting with me she is desperate for me because Ichabod is not satisfying her as a boyfriend honestly she's nothing but a slut and Ichabod here is so desperately in love with her that he will do anything to protect her," says that lying I can't do it anymore I look at my darling hurt in her eyes turned into hate and she walked away. "She truly is a sin, Hey Crane, control your whore of a girlfriend away from Joe," says Bo leaving with Sherry and Joe all laughing. I ran after Y/N finding her crying on a bench I walk up to her and sit down she noticed me and comes closer. "I shouldn't have fallen in love with Joe, Jonathan I'm sorry if I hurt you I don't deserve your friendship you are always there for me," says my love looking at me sadly.
Tell her now Jonny she still has feelings for you together we will rule the world and get our revenge on them I picture the future with Y/N as the queen of fear by your side working as a psychiatrist and his assistant or his wife. I picture that and it makes me happy and grabbed her hand and she looks at me shocked.
"Y/N I know you are hurting and you will never get over it but I love you ever since Sherry rejected me I started seeing you as more than a friend you are sweet and beautiful you are always there for me and I know you want me too but Joe ruined it and separated us you were falling in love with him more and I saw that look in your eyes wishing it was me, I picture us dating and getting married working as a psychiatrist with you as the queen of fear so please say that you accept me I won't allow you to fall in love with him, you are mine," I say making it harder for my darling to say no to me.

Good Jonny no one takes Y/N but us she's ours if she rejects us we will make her fall deeply in love with us we will do anything, oh I got an idea take her home, kill the old hag, and make love in your room. I like that idea I take her home and make her mine we cuddle and kiss while we plot our revenge on them but we have to see what she says. Jonny, Jonny of course she will say yes she's in love with you, Joe was just a little crush and she was making you jealous because you loved Sherry but were happy she rejected you honestly Jonny she wanted you since the moment she met you, she was hurt because you were falling in love with Sherry and not her until you got closer to her falling for her. I was so stupid Y/N is so beautiful and smart I honestly never loved Sherry it was just a little crush but not love with Y/N it is the love I want her so much I want to kiss her lips, and feel her body on mine and go on date, make her feel like the queen she is.

"Jonny that is the most beautiful thing you have ever said to me, my answer is yes I accept being your girlfriend," says my dove smile happily.

See I told you Jonny now make your move and kiss her before someone takes her. She said yes, why would someone take her if she's already mine? True but she's beautiful someone will take her from us like Joe or a pervert. No one takes my wife away from me She's mine only I mean ours but she belongs to me more.

"Y/N can I kiss you please I want to feel your sweet lips on mine," I say looking at my darling love, lust, and devotion in my eyes. She comes and pressed her lips passionately on mine, making me let out a small moan, biting on her lips making her moan and I slide my tongue into her and continue making out she breaks from our kiss and kisses my cheek. "Let's go Jonny I want you and I don't think I can control myself anymore," says my love looking at me with lust that makes me want her now.

She's seductively delicious when she seduces us like this please Jonny let me take control for a moment. Fine just for a moment, I want you two to interact. Scarecrow takes control of my body while I watch them closely. "Of course baby but first I want another kiss because you are mine," says Scarecrow pulling her and kissing her roughly and passionately. Scarecrow be gentle with her she's not a toy she's our lover we love her. You don't think I know that Jonny she is sweet and delicate but that's how I am Jonny I'm a rough lover but in bed, I'm an animal hot but I will make her feel safe. You better I don't want to lose her yet no one hurts her especially you, now give me back body, you had your moment now I want her back.

"Oh wow Jonny that was so I don't have any words to say," says my darling impressed by Scarecrow's actions. "You enjoyed it, my love," I say looking at her with a smile. "Yes I did Jonathan and I love you so much," says my dear also smiling happily. We get out of the school but Joe comes running to us or Y/N. "Y/N I'm sorry I hurt you I didn't mean it Sherry is so mean she forced me to be mean to you," says Joe with a sad voice but then looks at me. "I didn't know your boyfriend was here, anyway can we talk alone for a moment," says Joe glaring at me and then looking at my darling sweetly.

See Jonny he wants to take her away from us don't we won't allow this right. Absolutely not Y/N's mine, he can't talk to her I won't allow it. Then go tell him to stop talking to our darling or we will hurt him like he does to you.

"Y/N doesn't want to talk to you Joe she hates you now," I say glaring at the girlfriend snatcher. "Thanks, babe but you don't always have to defend me all the time I can defend myself too," says my love kissing me in front of Joe I smiled looking at him in his eyes, he had a possessive glint over her that made me upset. "I would do anything for you baby, I love you so much," I say holding her around me and kissing her passionately. "Enough of this now come here Y/N," says Joe angrily. My darling glares at him and turns around leaving kisses all over my face. "You don't tell me what to do got that Joe, secondly I won't go with you so leave me alone, my boyfriend and I want you to leave so go away," says my sweetheart not looking at Joe and only at me and this makes me happy. "Let's go sweetheart I'm taking you to my home," I say holding her hand we move away from Joe and go to my house but was greeted by the hag glaring at my darling so I killed her and we end up in my room you know what happens next.
A/N: finally I made a Jonathan X reader you know what happens between them next chapter will have smut stay tuned

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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