Twenty - one

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Dabria pov

It's been two days since me and Azaeal talked in my room. He has tried to talk to me but I keep ignoring him.

Where all currently in the car. It's a big black car.

Me and my whole family and Azaeal and his sister and dad are in the car. Azaeal keeps looking at me. A few seconds later the car gets gets hit and I fall off my seat.

"You ok?" Azaeal and my da - Salvatore and Alexander ask. I not as Azazel helps me up but we all freeze as we hear gun shots.

The door opens and a man throws something in the car, a few seconds later smoke starts to come out of it. I try to help Will, but then my eyes shut closed.

Third person pov

"Their out." A man says says with a Russian accent.

"Get them in the van. The boss wants the alive." One of the men order as they all nod. One by one the men carry, Dabria and her family and Azaeal and his father, and sister in the van.

About 15 minutes later the men finish putting them all in the van. Two men then go in the passenger seat and driver seat.

"Lets go." One of them said. The man then starts to drive to the airport, to go to Russia.

/ / /

As they arrive at the jet, men help them into the jet. They then inject them with more sleeping pills so they can sleep longer, and they won't wake up during their transportation.

About 7 hours and 28 minutes later the plane lands.

The men then get them and carry them off the plane and into the van.

"Boss is happy to have you back." One of the men says looking at Dabria up and down as he carries her to the van.

After there all in the van, one of the men get in the car and starts to drive.

About 1 hour later they arrive at their bosses mansion.

The men get Dabria and her family and the Vogels one by one inside the mansion and into the basement.

"Tie number 1 up, boss wants to have fun." One of the men say.

A another man get Dabria on a hospital bed and ties her up to it.

"Call me when they wake up, so than I can inform boss. They all have to be up." A man says as three other man nod.

"Oh and undress her. Keep her bra and underwear on, the boss wants to beat her. Don't you dare do anything to her or I'll tell boss." One man says as they all nod. They then start to undress her and leave her in her bra and underwear, once their done they get in position.

About half an hour, they all wake up except for Dabria.

Salvatore pov

As I wake up I look to see my family awake as well, I look to see Dabria on a hospital bed tied up.

"Heyyy, heyyy get her off that!" I shout in anger.

"Who are you?" Azaeal father ask the men as they laugh.

"It's been over an hour, how come she ain't awake?" One man says as he looks at Dabria.

"Russian." I whisper

These men are Russian, their accents.

"Mhmm." Dabria says as here eyes open.

"Go get him." A man ordered one man nods and leaves.

About 5 minutes later two men come down. I look at the second man who is Azaeal's uncle.

"B - brother?" Azaeal father, Henry says.

"Ah brother and my niece and nephew." Henry's brother, Josh says.

"P - professor." Dabria says as Josh smiles evily.

"Ah, my one and only. I miss you so so much. We're gonna have some fun." Josh says as me and all of us get confused.

He then goes to a table and gets a small knife. He walks towards Dabria and looks at her and the knife.

"Heyyy, HEY STOP IT. LEAVE HER ALONE!" We all yell. I look at Dabria to see her smiling, but her smile holds pain.

"I'm going to kill you, once we get out." Dabria says smiling as she looks at Josh.

"You can't kill me. You'll die anyways. Does youre family know you're true identity? Do they known everything about you?" Josh says as he stabs Dabria in the stomach but she's doesnt cry....she smiles.

"Wh- what do you mean? What identity and secrets?" Aden questions.

"It looks like her own family doesn't even know, they don't care." Josh says as he stabs her again on the arm as she smiles.

"I know and care for my own daughter." I said honestly.

"Really, do you know the pain and suffering she had to go through? Do you know about you're wife?" Josh says as he looks at me. I look at Dabria to see tears in her eyes.

"What? What are you talking about?" I question.

"Tell them, tell them the truth." Josh says to Dabria.

"Josh, I mean professor, he killed mom. That day it's was my birthday, she had bought a cake for my birthday I was so so happy. But then we heard gun shots, she got me and she ran we ran. A few minutes later we where surrounded by men. One man got me from her and he forced me to watch as another killed her." Dabria says with anger as she looks at me with.... hatred.

"The reason she left it was because you and Henry got them angery. You go Josh angery so he thretaned mom and me. So mom got me and she ran away with me." Dabrja sayd as tears swell in my eyes.

"And it's all your fault." Dabria whisper's.

"Tell more, tell them it all. Come on let's go while she tells them it all." Josh says he then puts the knife in Dabria stoumch and leaves it their, he then walks away.

Once they leave we all look at Dabria with sadness as she looks at us with anger and hatred.

"I go by number 1 here. I'm you're uncles, professor favorite toy." Dabria says as my eyes widen.

"Wh - what?" Lorenzo says.

"I go by number 1. That's my user name, I'm the German Donna. Alex is my second in command. Ryder is my assistant, the others work for me that you've also met. I was raped and abused, experienced in this exact room." Dabria says looking around, as I have anger inside my vains.

I'm going to kill Josh and his men.

Dabria pov

"You where, raped, t - toured?" Aden says as tears swell in his eyes.

"Mhm, I got used to the pain, by the time I was 7. After that I couldn't feel kt anymore. I was tired my in tire life so when I get hurt I just smile." I admit as I laugh.

"I- it's not you're fault that she's gone. But I do blame you, if you didn't make him angery mom would still be here." I said as my eyes close. I the open my eyes and I start to cough. I look down to see blood coming out my mouth.

"Da - Dabria are you ok?" Azaeal asked worried.

"I - it's past 8." I said smiling as I whisper.

"Well, looks who weak." Professor says as he comes in, as he looks at me.

"I - is their a cure?" I questioned.

"Nope. Their is not." Professor says.

"B - but you made it, their has to be one." I said, as it comes out to be a whisper.

"Actually the medicine you're taking, that's the only thing keeping you alive. But their is not cure. Just keep taking the medicine just....die." Professor says as I start to cough out more blood.

He then gets a bottle and get a needle. He the walk towards him and out it innmy neck.

The medicine.

My eyes than close as I'm soon surrounded by darkness.

How's this chapter? Thank you guys for all readying and I hope you countine.

Counted words: 1353

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