about a girl who falls In love with a monster but her home town finds out and tries to murder her with the monster as well. what will she do? will she run? or stay. read to find out (contains violence and sex)
The sun was bright hitting on my face making it feel warm and red. I put the horses back In they're stall filling up they're water bowls. "edith" my farther calls from a far "please come help me put my luggage in the carriage" farther yells "coming farther" I yell back. I race to the house. "Here farther I'll do it" I say putting the luggage onto the carriage "please be careful on you're trip" I say in worry "I'll be fine" farther says with a sigh "please I'm being serious, after that poor boy got attacked by that beast I've been too scared to even step a foot out side" I say fastly "I'm fine I love you" dad says as he gives me a kiss on my cheek and hops on the carriage and rides away.
It's midnight and I'm still awake. I walk down stairs to go get a glass of water, as I head down I hear a noise out side it sounds like a wolf or maybe a lost dog. I try to ignore and just get my water and head back up stairs. *BANG, BANG*. What was that!?
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It's so dark outside I can't see anything, I hope that was just a carriage or a gun but a person out this late can't be and a gun isn't aloud to be fired unless your in danger which isn't good because the gun fire was so close to me the danger must be near. *BANG, BANG* there it is again! What is that I look out the window again and still nothing is there. I'll just head up stairs and hope I fall asleep. I walk into my room and lay in bed I start to doze off then I feel something poke my back, I sway my hand thinking it was just a fly then all of a sudden a beast rips my night gown off revealing my naked body with only my under wear on. I look up also trying to hide chest as I look up i see the most biggest creature I have ever seen . I was about to scream the beast grabs my shoulders and takes me away then I fant of fear. I wake up in a dark cold room. My ankles hurt as I rub my feet I look and see that I'm fully naked and there's chains on my ankles, that's probably why they're hurting I try to get up and escape the chains but I can't. The door swings open and a cute young man walks in "good your awake" the man says as he looks at my naked cold body. He closes the door and takes his shirt off "hey what are you doing!?" I ask "you belong to me so I can do as I please" he says " you can't just do as you please I don't give you my consent! " I say "okay.. Fine I'll do it the hard way" he says with a growl, he walks towards me and lays on top of me I try to escape but it's no use he grabs my wrist really hard "Ow stop your hurting me! " I yell in pain "do I have your consent now? " he ask "do what ever just let go please! " I beg,it feels like he's gonna break my wrist. He stops and stands up and takes his pants off "wait." I say "hurry up I'm horny" he says "I'm a virgin so please be easy" I say. I don't want this but I don't want to feel that again my wrist still hurts really bad "don't worry darling I'll be easy" he says as he lays on top of me, I can feel his penis on the side of my vagina I give out a little weep as then it stops with the touch of his lips against mine. I can feel it his penis on my vagina ready to get inside of me. He grabs his penis and rubs my vagina for about twenty seconds I let out a little moan then he sticks it in me I moan as he thrust inside of me, I know I didn't want it then but I want more.His amazing warm cock inside of me hitting my clit. My moans get louder as he goes faster and faster I grab onto his back for support. He flips me over and does my behind. This is amazing it's something I never felt before, the pleasure just goes threw my whole body and the sounds I make I don't even do on purpose. Then he stops he gets out of inside of me and grabs my hand and makes me stroke his cock, "oh Edith almost there go faster please go faster pl-please" he comes on my hand and then he He puts me on top of him and I start humping him. He puts me on my back and eats me. I grab the back of his hair pushing him more in me vagina, every time I think he gonna stop he doesn't, his he waiting for me to say I'm done?. I become tired and soar but he's still going, "Im Tired can we continue tomorrow? " I say with a worn out voice but he didn't stop he continued and went even farther in "please" I say, he doesn't stop, about thirty minutes later his cock is in me and I'm so tired I keep falling a sleep but it feels so good then he finally stops, "I'm not tired Im just bored" he says "wait" i say what's you name?" I ask "taylor" taylor says "put this on" he says "okay" I say, he passes me under wear that had a wire in it "what's this?" I ask "just put it on" he demands, I put them on and they felt nice they were comfortable and not tight or too big I almost forgot the fact the I was kidnapped and got raped by a beast(not actually) then I snooze off.