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— after lunch

jang-soo opened the door and shouted, "lets go!," leading the classes out to the school grounds. the students pushed against the soldiers who were trying to keep them back. "why these little..." cursed the old man at the front before firing his gun at the sky. "yah! doing this won't do you any good. you won't get any extra points for our college entrance exams," shouted the old man, waving his pistol around. "what good does staying here do, old man? just let us go home!," shouted ji-wan. "you'll get penalty points, you punk," shouted the old man, waving his pistol in ji-wan's face. "okay?...let's go!," she shouted as the students started to push against the soldiers again.

"what do you think you're doing? go back inside now!," shouted lt.lee, appearing out of nowhere. of course he has to make a grand entrance wherever he goes. the students stopped when hearing the lieutenant's voice. "don't this won't change anything. hurry back inside!," shouted sergeant won-bin. "why should we? we aren't even solideres," bo-ra retaliated, her grip on ji-wan's hand tightening a bit. "i already told you. this is all for your go—" lt.lee was cut off when so-yoon shouted, "we don't need any of this! if it's for our sake, let us go. why can't we have anything our way?," she asked. the lieutenant stared at so-yoon, speechless. "what are you waiting for? force them back inside if you must!," he shouted, making hell break loose once again.

in the middle of everyone screaming, a loud crash sounded from in front of them. the impact of the sphere against the ground sent everyone at the front crashing to the floor and made the ones at the back cower. ji-wan stumbled backwards but bo-ra caught her just in time and put her arm around ji-wan protectively. once everyone had regained balance, they stared at the sphere. the dust particles covered the sphere like a thick fog as the soldiers put themselves in front of the students and put their rifles up. even with the fog of dust, ji-wan could see the glowing purple colour of the sphere. "go back inside. quickly!," shouted lt.lee. the familiar screeching of the spheres sent everyone into a craze as they started back away.

ji-wan's heart started to sink once she saw the smaller spheres start to crawl at them at a high speed. the soldiers started shooting at the spheres everywhere but there were just too many. everyone screamed and started running away when a sphere latched itself onto a soldier's face. ji-wan quickly lost sight of her classmates when students from every room started getting mixed up. ji-wan looked back once before she started running as well. ji-wan sprinted towards the stairs for the main building entrance but suddenly she felt winded when she bumped into someone and fell down. the girl quickly scrambled onto her feet, running straight towards the stairs when she noticed chi-yeol running next to her.

the two of them were thrown backwards when another sphere fell down right in front of them. ji-wan crawled backwards when she heard high pitched screeching. "chi-yeol, run!," she shouted before scrambling to her feet. since the sphere landed in front of the stairs, ji-wan ran the only way that she could without getting devoured by the spheres. ji-wan ran backwards. into the grounds. as she ran, some people bumped onto her shoulder, knocking her off course. ji-wan screamed when a sphere appeared in front of her, making her turn to her side and run to the right. ji-wan found herself inside a tent with woo-taek. yeon-joo, soo-chul and two dead bodies. ji-wan tried running through the tent but stopped when a sphere wrapped its tentacles around yeon-joo's ankle.

ji-wan breathed heavily, looking around for anything to use. she then grabbed a dark green case and smashed the sphere. the sphere screeched and let go of yeon-joo before it started crawling towards ji-wan. in fear, ji-wan fell backwards. fuck. ji-wan was doing everything that you shouldn't when you're getting attacked by alien spheres. thankfully sergeant won-bin showed up just in time and shot the sphere. soo-chul quickly ran towards ji-wan and helped her up. "ji-wan! let's go!," he shouted as the two started running out the tent but then fell on their backs when they crashed into a girl.

duty after school with yeon boraWhere stories live. Discover now