Opened Eyes

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"It's all thanks to your hard work" he blurted out. 

Your face fell slightly, you'd secretly been hoping that your colleague was right that Deku was interested in you hence why all the random meetings and coffee dates but it turned out that he was just being a super sweet person. 

"Oh uh no it's ok, I'll just head home this time" you said sadly, "I'm a little tired too actually"

 "Oh" he said. He actually felt deflated that you'd sad no, he really did like your company. "Ok well let me get your pay for the day's work then". 

He turned and walked out, and you turned to face the wall and banged your head against it, 'Stupid-stupid, I should have just gone out with him but at the same time I don't want to get my hopes up when there's absolutely no possibility of us ever being together. I don't like the pity votes'.

Soon Deku came back in with an envelope, "Here's your pay miss L/n, um also would you be able to come back tomorrow, I've just been told that we need you as there's been another mix-up with getting the printer fixed". 

You brightened immediately, "Oh yes I'd love to come back if my boss allows it" 

"Oh I rang him and requested your help, he said yes" Deku said with a happy chuckle.

 "Awesome" you said with a bright smile. "I'll see you tomorrow then" 

"I'm looking forward to it" he replied with a happy look on his face. 

You blushed, "Oh" you giggled, "Ok" 

You cleared your throat then bashfully pushed past him. "I uh I need to go now" 

"Ok rest well Miss L/n" Deku said. 

On your way home you opened the envelope and looked at the paycheck. You gasped when you saw the amount, it was almost the same amount as what you'd get for working a week at your other office job. 

'What do I do with all this money' you thought, 'I know, new work clothes considering I'm seeing Deku tomorrow'. 

You shook your head, 'He's never going to like me back, why am I even trying'

Before you knew it, you were in front of the clothing store. 

Stepping inside you looked around and a young attendant saw you and saddled up. 

"Need some help honey?" she asked with a wink. 

"Uh um I'm looking for-" 

"An outfit that will blow Deku's mind?" she asked slightly with a koi smile. 

"What?" "Oh don't worry honey, I saw the pictures, I ship it" "Anyway, let's get you something nice" she said grabbing your arm and dragging you to the changing room.

"Wait no-no-no it's not like that, I just need some new work cl-" 

"Ah work style outfit, I knew he would be into the office chick look!" she muttered. "I got you babes, hop in there and I'll be back" 

She shot you into the cubicle and you stood there stunned. 'Am I being held captive?'

Suddenly the attendant was back, hurling clothes over the door. You screeched as skirts and tops piled onto you. 

"Try these on babes" she called out as she ran off to get more. 

You sifted through some of the clothed articles and found a nice top and a pencil skirt, 'Hm let me try these'. 

You put the ensemble on and looked in the mirror. 'Mm not bad' you thought checking yourself out in the mirror. 

"How's it looking girl?" the attendant called out. 

You opened the door and stepped out, she gasped dramatically. 

"It's amazing" she squealed clapping her hands. "You seriously need to get this; don't worry I can do a discount" she said tapping her nose and winking. 

"Oh, that's very kind of you-" 

"Hush, anything for Deku's bae, when the paps asked who dressed you just drop the store name yeah?" she said with a wink as she turned and walked to the register. 

You sighed. 

You ended up buying a few items and the attendant took very good care of you. You're excited to wear your new clothes tomorrow. 

The next morning you got ready spending a little extra time on your hair or whatever you do to make it look like you've put a little bit of effort in and then you put your new work ensemble on. It definitely made you look good, and you smiled feeling that little bit more beautiful. 

You made your way to Deku's agency, walking through the front door and smiling at the receptionist. 

"Hi again uh I'm the printer" you mentally face palmed, 'Tada, printer hero has arrived!' 

"Oh yes of course let me show you to the room" she said with a friendly voice. 

"Oh no-no-no it's ok I know where it is" you replied as you smiled and walked away from the desk, giving her a friendly dismissive wave. 

You started heading down the hall and your eyes fell on Deku's office door, it was open. Did you stop and say hello or just keep walking. 

'Just keep walking, he doesn't like you like that just pretend he's another person' the indignant voice in your brain yelled. 

You listened and walked straight past his room without looking in. 

Deku saw your figure walk by, but he didn't get a long enough glimpse to register that it was you, he just saw a well-dressed beautiful girl walk past and froze in his seat. 

'Whoa who was that?' he thought. He got up from his chair and walked around his desk to the door looking out down the hall but you'd gone by then. 

'Did we get a new intern?' he wondered

You started work straight away after some instructions from the in charge and then thanked him for his time. 

It wasn't long after you'd started that Deku casually walked in with some papers. 

He froze when he saw you there, your back was still towards him. 

"Miss L/n?" he asked, 'Wait is it her?" 

You turned and looked at him, "Hi Deku" you said happily. 

His mouth fell open slightly and he took you in. "You look" his eyes carefully travelled down your body and you felt your heart skip a beat. "That outfit really suits you" 

You flushed bright red. "Oh thank you" you stammered not quite knowing what to say. 

Serendipity {Adult Deku x Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now