Untitled Part 1

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We were watching our brother group FT ISLAND perform their newest song 'PRAY' as silently sang along. We were staff passes because no one knew about us besides our sunbaes. When they got off i handed them waters and the others passed out towels. They wiped their sweat gently as to not smudge their makeup. "How were we?" Jaejin asked me. "Oppa jjang~" we all said. He smiled. "Ppalli, we need to go film WEEKLY IDOL" their manager said. "Ne~" we all said. They went to their changing room and changed into their casual clothes. The other three had to go record their parts for our debut so i had gone with FT ISLAND.

We got into the studio. I sat in the back with my skeleton mouth face mask on. I had intense eyeliner on so i looked really creepy. I watched as they greeted the MCs' and greeted everyone. While they were filming the rest of the group came in and sat next to me. We watched as they made fun of Jaejin for looking so sickly. I had to hold in my laugh but weird sounds came out instead. During the break before they moved onto the next corner they introduced us to Doni and Coni. "Annyeounghaseyo" we all bowed to them. "Hello" they greeted us. We sat down again as everyone had their makeup retouched. We all got a text saying that before our debut FT ISLAND was going to introduce us on WEEKLY IDOL. Mei showed the text to Jonghoon and he nodded telling Doni and Coni. They agreed immediatley as they already knew. I was jaw slacked that they already knew before us. The reason why we weren't aloud to be on the social media was because the company released our teaser images we took a while ago and released some of our information.

When they started again they said that there was going to be a special and told FT ISLAND to introduce us. "Well, first off, they are very young. They are all 15, but the makenae is still 14. They are very charismatic and has a large vocal capacity. They all sing very well and 2 rap really well. They are our sister group that will debut very soon. They had trained for a very long time. They all play their instruments very well. Their group is called P.XI" We walked in bowing. "Uwaa~ You guys are so cute" hee said. Doni was trying to hug me but i immediately ducked and moved. They all laughed. When i wasn't paying attention Coni grabbed me into a hug. I shrunk down into a ball. "huhuhhuu~ eonni" i said wriggling. "Ahhhhh kyeopta" I used my spiked bracelet to it his arm to let me go. When he realeased me i shudered repeatedly. Someone touched my shoulder and i moved to the opposite side. "HAJIMA~" i said finally realizing it was Hongki. "Stop what? this?" he touched my neck and i fell to the floor laughing.

When i calmed down i jumped on his back and started tazoring him and pinching him. "huh? do you like this?" i asked as he laughed loudly. Mei had to pull me off his shoulder. "That was an interesting introduction. Please introduce yourselves pleases" "Hana, Duel, Seht- Fly high P.XI imnida~" we said. "Hello everyone, I am Mei. I am in charge of being leader and main vocalist." she said. "Annyeounghaseo I'm Tai. I am the oldest and I'm in charge of the bass" she said. "Hello I'm Jian. I am second oldest and is in charge of drums" she said. I bowed "Hello, I am Chau, the maknae, I'm in charge of lead vocals and guitar" Doni and Coni clapped loudly. "Excuse me, but Chau, Why are you wearing a face mask" he asked. Tai put her arms around me and answered for me. "She has a large scar on her face" she said. I slapped her stomach. "AH! Jeuolae?" she glared at me. I mehronged her. "Most girlgroups wpould be wearing heels and skirts, is that ot your concept?" Doni asked. I made a face under my mask. Minhwan caught it and laughed loudly. "Ask the maknae" Minhwan teased. I smacked his arm. "Ah! it hurts! I cant play the drums anymore" he said. I hit his head again. "Good, they dont need you" I said. "What is your relationship as sunbae hoobaes?" Coni aksed. "We are really close. They basically raised me" i answered. "She has known them the longest out of all of us" Mei said. I nodded agreeing.

"They honestly did raise me by all means. I was about 7 when I met Minhwan in the U.S. He let me stay in the house he was staying at. I met the eonnis when i was 12." i said. They nodded. "Can you remove the mask?" I puted slightly then agreed. I took it off. "Omo, kyeopta~" they pinched my cheeks. When they released my cheeks i rubbed them. We finished the recording and left. I put on the mask again as we got in the van. "Next week is when we release the MV and album" their manager told us. "Ne~" We reached our shared dorm and settled in our rooms. I went to the bathroom and removed all the makeup and took a shower before changing into my pj's. I took off my contacts and put on my glasses. I took out my blowdryer and dried my hair. I was singing PRAY as i combed my hair and tied my bangs in a ponytail. I got out of the bathroom and saw Hongki there. He smiled at me creepily. "What?" i asked.

"I heard you singing in there" he said. I nodded."and?" i asked. He shrugged. He then proceeded to show his phone.It was the company's websites store. He had purchased our album. I smiled at him."You ordered it?" i asked. He nodded"Uhm, sajangnim just put the pre-order albumup a coupleminutes ago and me and the other members bought one." I looked at him. "Thank you for supporting us but you doknow that you would have gotten one later anyways?" I said. "I know, but we wanted to support you guys by buying it ourselves." he said. I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you oppa" i said. He patted my hair and then pulled out. "Are you hungry?" he asked. I nodded. "Ne, jinjja paegoppa" i said. "I'll cook for you" he said. I happily bounced after him as he prepared food for me. He had cooked gochujjang fried rice with chicken breast.

"Thank you for the food~" i siad and dugin. I smiled at him. "its sooooo good" i told him. He patted my head. "eat more" he said. i nodded and ate. I offered him some and he ate it. He nodded. "Selca~" he said. i looked up at him when i still had water puffing up my cheeks. He posted it while leaving a caption. He taggedme in it. Ichecked the caption'LOOK AT OUR CUTE LITTLE DONGSAENG. PRIMADONNAS WILL BE SURPRISED ABOUT WHO SHE IS' There were really mean comments about how im a slut and was ugly and should die. I left a comment on his picture. "Dude, hajima. Your fans will kill me" i published my comment. A bunch of fans then sent in more death threats when he posted another picture of me with his fingers in the screen making a heart while I was on my phone. My nose was getting itchy then i sneezed. I took a tissue and covered my nose as I started sneezing more. "Jasmine-ah, as much as i love you, i kinda hate you as well." i said sneezing in between words. I was able to feel my eyes puff up a little. Hongki passed me a tablet and water. I took it and drank it. "Thanks" he nodded.

I checked my phone again and saw i was tagged yet AGAIN by Honki. It was a video of Jasmine walking in the room and me sneezing. The video stopping just after i sneezed pausing on my derp face. I gowled as i punched him. "You are really evil!" i whined. He laughed and patted my head. "Go brush your teeth and sleep." i puffed angrily walking to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. Me, Jackie, and Minhwan shared a room. Me and Jackie having to share abunk bed while Minhwan took the single bed. I climbed up the ladder and got comfortable under my blanket then hugged my giant plushie they have given to me. I slowly fell asleep listening to the taps of the keyboard as Minhwan played his games.

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