The Rejuvenation of Asuka

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"Asuka! You-you're alive!" I said surprised.

She looked at me for a second then smiled.

"What brought me to life was one of your tears. No one in the Kazama family would have cried." Asuka said.

She stared at her leg. Asuka sighed deeply, as if she was disappointed.

"I got you." I said.

Out of nowhere, with all her might, she hugged me.

I was surprised. So I just hugged her back.

Asuka was the best sister ever.

We both stared at the Jinpachi statue.

Our Great grandfather was nothing more than a spawn of our grandpa, and a spitting image of our father.

I picked her up. My torn shirt was still on her leg which was healing.

I was just glad Asuka was alive. It was better than her being in excruciating pain.

I carried her all the way 'til we saw buildings.

All of a sudden, yellow lasers shot at us from different directions.

They were all coming way too close.

I will sacrifice if it means keeping Asuka safe and out of harm's way.

I turned around and noticed that Devil was clapping. "I'm surprised to see you alive." He said.

He motioned to Asuka.

I glanced down at her.

She glanced back at me. It took me a second to realize that he wanted Asuka.

I looked back at him full of madness.

"I'm not gonna let you have my sister. Even if I have to kill you with my bare hands!" I shouted.

"Hmph. Looks like you need to put your mouth into park. I'll shut it for you." Devil responded.

I quickly changed in my devil form.

The battle is on.

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