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2 years later....

It was such a short amount of time. The time Tom has lost his sanity and attempted to take Tord's life away but to no success.

He couldn't bare it. The guilt is eating at him everyday because of this. But he refused to bring this up to his husband.

They have gotten married a year ago, which was a definite need for the couple. Their bond is tighter than ever before now.

"Tord?" Tom spoke up as he entered the familiar office that he has been going through.

Tord sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. In the sunlight, shined a beautiful ruby gem on his ring-finger.

"Yes, what is it?" Tord asked as he removed his hand as began working on paperwork once again.

"You've been in the books and paperwork alot recently..." Tom acknowledged towards his husband.

As Tom spoke up with the tone of hesitation, he fidgeted with his dark blue sapphire gemmed ring.

Tord suddenly slammed his robotic hand onto the desk. Making Tom jump in surprise.

"I'm just stressed out! Okay?" Tord raised his voice at his husband. Making the Brit frown a little and walk over.

"Yes, you do seem very tensed and stressed out.." Tom mumbled as he began to massage Tord's tensed shoulders.

Tord takes in a deep breath and slowly breathed it out. Picking up his calligraphy pen as he signed some more paperwork.

"It's because we have a war."

Tom felt the back hairs on his neck stood up. His hands stopping their movements as he blinked his digital green eyes in disbelief.

"A war?" Tom spoke up. With the entire time that he's been working here, he's never experienced an actual war before.

"Yes, tomorrow evening. Five o'clock sharp." Tord grumbled as he rolled his eyes. Yet one remained oh-so covered by the eyepatch.

"With whom?" Tom decided to ask as he kissed the top of Tord's head. Making the norsk feel a bit better.

"With Orange army." Tord replied, sourly. Tom lifted his head in confusion as he walked around the desk and takes a seat in front of it.

Now Tord and Tom are facing each other.

Tom's hand placed itself onto Tord's fleshed hand which halted the fast writing that the norsk was accomplishing.

Tord let's his pen drop on the desk – his head lifting in the slightest as he eyed at his husband with his bright blood-thirsty eye.

"Orange Leader... She's not the best when it comes to me." Tord spoke up and shuddered a bit.

Tom felt Tord's hand tremble in his. The brit lightly squeezed Tord's hand as he asked the question. "What do you mean, honey?"

Tord retracted his hand away and stood up. His cape swayed as he walked into the direction of the large window.

He stared outside. Seeing snowflakes falling out of the clouds. Tom felt awfully confused. He walks over and wrapped his arms around Tord's waist.

Hugging his husband from behind, Tom rests his head onto Tord's shoulder.

"Honey, I'm going to be involved with the war as well. So I need to know the details of our enemy." Tom murmured into Tord's neck as he left a small kiss to it.

Tord sighed as he remained with his gaze out side of the window. Watching soldiers training and preparing hard in the snow outside.

"Orange Leader, or Ann. Is a woman of history. She use to be my mother's high school friend back in the day. When my mother was alive." Tord explained as he walked away from the window.

Tom following along like a clueless goose. Tord went over to his book shelf and picked up a very dusty book.

He blew the dust off and used his maroon covered sleeve to wipe away anymore of the dust particles.

He flipped open the book, it was a baby album.

Tom didn't say anything. He didn't want to be nosy. So alas, Tord contuined his set of dialogue.

"My mother was a stay-at-home wife and my father worked here in the army. He was the previous Red Leader. But, one day – my mother brought me to this exact base – as a way of surprising my father but it was at a terrible time of being. My father was having a war, in this exact battle field – with Orange Leader and her scheme of hatred towards everybody. Father was stupid, and went head forward to Ann, Only to be shot and dead. Finished then and there,

Which left my mother terrified. She tried to escape to return to the small town she resided in but to no success. She was stuck on the battlefield. Poor me was much too young to comprehend what the hell was going on around me. I was only an infant. She put me into a box, folded the lids and said,"

Tord paused as he flipped through the pages of the book. Once he makes it to the end, it was a very old spiral sheet of paper. With frantic scribbles of writing and burnt around the corners.

"And said– 'You'll be safe, baby. You will be okay. Paul and Patryck can take care of you now.' "

Tord's eyes glossed with tears. As he firmly slammed the book shut. "Then, she died right after she finished writing that sentence."

"I'm so sorry." Tom felt so much empathy towards his husband as he watched Tord walk back over to the book shelf and set the album back in it's place.

"It's whatever. It's all history." Tord bitterly responded as he wiped his eyes. Lifting his eyepatch to wipe away the tears that were streaming down his face.

Tom walked over and rested his hands onto Tord's hips. He smiled as he says, "you're much smarter now. You've grown so much over the years and I'm so happy I stayed here, even with all the chaos that has happened between us. No matter how much tears and blood we shed, we will always find a way together."

A smile grows onto Tord's face as he leaned his head down and shared a kiss with his husband.

Then, the two separated and eyed each other lovingly.

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