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Nightfall has came so fast. Tom is currently laying in the bed with his lover.

Tord is calmly petting Tom's spikey styled hair. He is rather sitting up in the bed with Tom's head in his lap.

"You need to get as much rest as you possibly can, min elsker. We have to be awake early." Tord muttered as he kissed Tom's temple.

"I know.." Tom yawned a little as he lifted his hand and shuts off his digital goggles. Now it was just a solid black.

"Goodnight, Love." Tord whispered as Tom shifted a bit. Rolling on his side. "I'll be back in a moment."

Tord shifts and gets out of bed in his pajama bottoms and shirtless. Exposing the scars down and across his chest and back.

Tom muttered. "Make it quick.. I'm gonna be cold and lonely without you." He joked.

Tord laughed a little as he ruffled his husbands hair. "I will not take long, Min Kjære."

The Leader grabbed his red hoodie that was placed on the dresser and pulled it over his top half. He slipped on his slippers and makes his way out of the bedroom and left the office entirely.

He yawned into his palm as he blinked away his sleepy eyes. Walking into the direction of Paul and Patryck's office.

Once he arrived, - he didn't bother opening the door - rather - the door opened imediantly once Tord appeared there.

Patryck ushered Tord into the office as Paul shuts the door once Tord entered. "Gah! You scared the living crap out of me!" Tord exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes at his fatherly figures.

"Sweetheart, we need to have a talk about what the hell we are getting into." Patryck snapped as he slammed his hands onto the desk.

He looked visibly horrified.

Tord was about to speak up but Paul interupted. "Yes son, this is rather important so don't butt-in and think too much."

"Okay..." Tord muttered in reply as Paul paced around the office room that the three are in.

"We are going against Orange Leader, the bitch that caused so much trauma for you and the Larsin family." Paul began as he takes out a cigarette and lights it. Blowing the smoke into the air.

Patryck glared at the ground once hearing that forsaken title. Tord clenched his teeth but listened to his father.

"We cannot make any stupid rations, we have to make smarter ones. We have to beat her at her own game," Paul paused as he looked down at his son.

"Do you think you could do it?" He asks, coldly. Tord felt nervous at this point. He forced a grin on his face as he squeaked out.


Paul takes a deep inhale of his cigarette before blowing it out. Making the nostalgic smell of cigarette fill the air and into the men's nostrils.

"I just don't want him to make the same mistake..." Patryck mumbled as his eyes glossed with tears.

Paul turned with his back facing the two. Showing the bit of grey that id grown into the older man's hair.

"He won't, he's not as stupid as He was." Paul shakes his head and walked over to his desk. Jamming the cigarette into the ash-tray. Putting it out.

"What was my father like..?" Tord asked with a tone of hesitation. Paul and Pat sighed at such question.

"Psychotic, Jumps into Plans too quickly, Angry all the time, and...Immature." Paul replied but as he did that's when it clicked.

He perfectly described how Tord leads.

His face went pale at the realization. Pat sighed. "You're just like your father Tord.."

Tord blinked in disbelief. He raised form his chair and shouted out. "WHAT?! NONSENSE! I AM NOTHING Like him!"

Paul and Patryck went quiet now. Avoiding eye contact with their son. Which only made Tord angrier.

"I cannot believe what I just heard! Me?! Like the father I barely even remember?! That's such, bullshit." Tord exclaimed in anger and shock.

"Son, I'm sorry but that is very much the truth." Patryck muttered as he rises from his chair.

He went over and pulled Tord into a hug. In which Tord allowed it but refused to return it.

Paul scratches his scruffy grey beard as he spoke up again. "Well if you don't want to be like your father. You have to prove to us that you're much different. In fact, better."

"Oh. I will." Tord gritted his teeth before he stepped back and glared at his fatherly figures.

"I will prove you wrong. I'm a better leader than he will ever be." Tord sneered as he exits the office.

Slamming the door which made the entire smaller office shake.

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