🎨 Meeting Them For The First Time! 🎨

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(GN Reader) here btw! ^_^
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💥 - EREN
- At first it was just like, "yeah whatever, their weak like everyone else."
- but then he saw how strong you were with ODM gear and how good you were with your blades!!
- he did a little '😯' when you did your badass stuff c:
- after a while he finally got the courage and attempted (keyword: attempted) at making casual conversation with you!
- it failed tremendously and he fainted.
- however he was pleased when he had learned you had been the one making sure he was okay 😌

- the both of you immediately clicked (seeing as you two were the only mental bodybuilders in the room)
- you guys just communicated with looks at first, like you and him had a psychic connection or something
- eventually he got wayyy comfy with you and now you guys are best friends!!

- funnily enough, you two met when she wouldn't stop staring at you during training, resulting you being a bit worried about her!
- turns out she was zoning out, but she did admit to watching you for a while.
- still with a poker face of course.
- but overtime she warmed up to you (in however way she does that) and one day walked up to you and said quite literally:
- "we're friends now."
- then she walked away. strange, but who were you to judge?

🐴 - JEAN
- you met when he tried to flirt with you during dinner, of course.
- you didn't mind (or tried not to mind at least)
- eventually you noticed that he started to stare at you more than Mikasa...
- you tried to think nothing of it though, taking it as simply the way he attempts to make friends.
- now you and Jean are just simply friends, perhaps even best friends? yes his staring was slightly creepy but it's okay. his hair is soft that makes up for it
- you've just promised yourself to start fake flirting back if this happens constantly.

- when you met him, he was just being same ol' Connie, class clown n shit
- eventually you decided to mutter a sarcastic joke about how jean's hair looked like a mop.
- of course Sasha heard this (because she hears everything apparently.), and started wheezing laughing like an elderly person who vaped too early in life and has shit lungs, but is attempting to yell.
- Connie asked what the hell was funny, and you repeated your joke
- he immediately started banging his fist on the table and started dying or some shit.
- (nevermind he was just laughing)
- then Connie looked at you with that "we should be friends because your funny but I have no idea who you are" sorta look
- so now you two have non-verbally decided that your besties (including Sasha ofc, its mandatory)

- you saw the whole time during training how she just seemed to spawn food out of thin air, and so you thought "hey, why not be friends with her, that's too funnily comical not to be entertained by"
- and turns out she wanted to meet you too. why? because you gave her half of your bread during lunch.
- soon she forced you to meet baldy, but you told her that you liked her better.
- and then the three of you (sometimes including Jean if he wasn't being a bitch) just came together to be the most unserious friend group of the century.

- you two met when he was trying to defend you from eren being a bitch, such a sweetheart 😭😭
- so yes, you did call him a sweetheart and thanked him, because why not?! it's not a y/n moment it's just manners 🤨🤨
- afterwards the both of you decided to stick together as you both are pretty chill compared to... other people.
- (hi yes, i'd like to say that i think Bertholdt hugs are absolutely amazing, author out)

👹 - REINEER (im aware i spelled his name wrong, it's for shiggles.)
- you met when you were attempting to stop him from hitting on Krista, ft. Ymir
- he was really shocked about it, but how noble of you to do that, right?
- pretty much everyone but him realized he was staring at you more than Krista, but you thought it was just a glare.
- eventually you decided to just approach him to stop the staring because, like hell, it was annoying
- you forced him to be your friend. that's it. not that he minds, but it was just the simple;
- "dude if you wanted to be friends I really wouldn't mind" trope

- you met him at the stables, you were both assigned stable cleaning duties 🫶🏽
- eventually he got curious, and came over to ask out a few questions, the norm y'know.
- for example "how'd you get assigned cleaning duty?", "What's your horses name?", and "hey your cool, wanna hang out sometime?"
- the both of you appreciated each others calmness, seeing as everyone else was extremely loud.
- (the exceptions Armin, Bertholdt, and Mikasa)
- whenever you 2 hang out it's like a breath of fresh air for both of you lmao

- you guys met during training, because you got partnered up 😎
- surprisingly, you were able to (slightly)beat her, not many others were
- (besides Mikasa of course)
- which lead to her thinking she should befriend you!
- (just for the mission, totally. 🤨)
- to be honest, the two of you are so scary together, even Reiner is slightly intimidated.
- don't think she'll go easier on you just because your friends though. she's still finna beat your ass when you least expect it.

🧚‍♀️ - YMIR
- Ymir was really mean, no sugarcoating needed to describe her.
- she was jokingly mean with you, so you got used to it and knew not to get offended too quickly.
- she was mildly surprised at you not really caring about her insults, so she stuck around you.
- (not that you minded, of course.)
- and yeah, maybe she's mean and calls you a crybaby and messes your hair up and wakes you up in the middle of the night to go on walks with her, but you can fix her!!! we believe in u :3

- being completely honest with you, she just came up to you because she was dared to.
- then she realized that you were the only person there who wasn't overwhelming.
- after a while krista started coming up to you on her own
- just for "advice" on people ofc
- (im sorry but this girl is adrien 2.0)

😾 - LEVI
- you were introduced to him thru your promotion (your rank was moved to captain)
- he already was glad you weren't loud as shit and a blabbermouth like SOMEONE...
- (don't take this sentence wrong hange is my bbg)
- he found himself coming to you for assistance in tons of things
- totally just so his ears could rest
- and totalllyyyy not because he was a little fond of you...
- (bonus points because the tea you make hits hard asf)

- they met you when you volunteered to help with one of their little experiments when Moblit was out sick ❤️
- and ofc they were ecstatic, you had actually volunteered for this and hadn't been forced to do it!!!
- turns out you were really really smart, close to their level of smart!
- so with that, they decided to keep you around just in case, you becoming their favorite assistant
- also their favorite coffee runner. you make that brown morning mixture slap harder than Eren when he was getting that fly.

🦾 - Erwin
- you were the nurse taking care of him when he lost his arm (GOWITHITOKAY)
- and hey, let's face the truth, you looked forward to seeing him everyday because LOOK AT HIM
-bro looks forward to you visiting to do checkups too, your the "fun nurse"
- (he's on HM anesthetic.) (hange made anesthetic, not to be confused with home made.)
-he does not look forward to the day he has to leave the infirmary, he'll miss you :(
- and the times you'll kiss his wounds better 💔

🛌 - Moblit
- bro was eepy and needed a replacement for the day so he could get some sleep and a break from hange
- you took up the offer because you felt bad for him tbh 😢
- and yes you might've had to actually fill in for him for a few days because he accidentally slept too long
- but you didn't mind bc your just cool like that ❤️
- now you guys just do favors for each other on the daily, fair and square :3
- you also get to play with his hair to your liking. AND IT IS SO SOFT OH MY GO-


lmk if you liked these!

if there are any characters I should add to this list pls tell me!!

next chapter: ok so like basically then starting to crave your company, not really jealousy just missing you 😿

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