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Miyeon's friends, Soojin and Soyeon, sat with her in a cozy coffee shop, enjoying their warm beverages. Soyeon, always the playful one, nudged Miyeon with a mischievous grin. "Miyeon, you should go get a girlfriend! It's time to open your heart to love."

Soojin chimed in, nodding in agreement. "She's right, Miyeon. Life is too short to be lonely forever. You deserve to find someone special."

Miyeon sipped her coffee, contemplating their words. She appreciated her friends' concern, but she felt content with her current life. "I understand your point, guys, but I'm not ready to mingle just yet. I want to focus on my own journey and let love find me naturally."

Soyeon chuckled and leaned closer. "Well, you never know when love might surprise you. It could be just around the corner."

Miyeon rolled her eyes playfully at Soojin and Soyeon's remarks. "I'm pretty sure you're just trying to make me jealous, but hey, your girlfriends aren't even human."

Soojin and Soyeon exchanged mischievous grins, a shared understanding passing between them. It was true; their partners were not ordinary by any means. Soojin's girlfriend was a fascinating blend of wolf and human, while Soyeon's partner embodied the adorable characteristics of a corgi and a human.

Soojin chuckled, leaning forward. "Come on, Miyeon. You can't deny the uniqueness and excitement that comes with dating hybrids. They bring a whole new level of fun and unpredictability to our lives."

Soyeon chimed in, her eyes sparkling. "Exactly! It's like having the best of both worlds. They're loyal, protective, and always manage to bring a smile to our faces."

Miyeon couldn't help but laugh at her friends' enthusiasm. "Well, I suppose you have a point there. Maybe love can come in unexpected and extraordinary forms."

Soojin chuckled at Miyeon's laughter, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "You know, having a hybrid girlfriend is just like having a pet, except you can actually talk to them. If you're a pet lover and looking for a girlfriend, I think adopting a hybrid would be recommended."

Miyeon raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Soojin's perspective. She had never considered the possibility of forming a deep connection with a hybrid companion. The idea of a partner who possessed both human emotions and the endearing qualities of an animal intrigued her.

Soyeon's voice softened as she reminisced, her gaze fixed on a distant memory. "You know, I always wanted a corgi in my life, ever since I was a kid. I used to dream about having one as a loyal companion. Then, unexpectedly, my dad adopted Yuqi. She was a corgi hybrid—a perfect blend of my childhood dream and something even more extraordinary."

Miyeon leaned forward, captivated by Soyeon's story. She could sense the bittersweet undertones in her friend's words, realizing that Yuqi's arrival was intertwined with a poignant chapter of her life.

Soyeon continued, her voice filled with warmth and gratitude. "My dad wanted to give me another sister, someone to share my life with, ever since my mother passed away. Little did he know that he would not only give me a sister but also a girlfriend—a partner who would bring immense love and happiness into my world."

After finishing up their coffee drinks, Miyeon walked alongside Soyeon and Soojin, their laughter echoing through the streets as they shared stories about their hybrid companions. The warmth of their friendship filled the air, creating an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie.

As they approached a nearby alleyway, Miyeon felt a sense of contentment. "Well, I'm glad I was able to hang out with you today. Hope you two enjoy the rest of your day!"

Soyeon grinned, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Yup, we'll catch up with you tomorrow during work!"

Miyeon waved a final goodbye, her heart light as she continued on her way. The bustling city streets gradually gave way to the quieter ambiance of the alley, enveloping her in a serene stillness. She walked peacefully, relishing the solitude.

However, the tranquility was interrupted by a faint meow, reaching her ears from a distance. Miyeon paused, her curiosity piqued. She scanned the area, her gaze searching for the source of the sound. The meows grew louder, guiding her towards a humble box that bore the words, "Need an owner."

Intrigued, Miyeon knelt down and gently opened the box. Her eyes met those of a beautiful cat with a rare dark blue fur, looking up at her with an expression that seemed to hold a touch of longing. A surge of compassion and connection flowed through Miyeon's heart as she realized this cat, in need of love and care, had crossed her path.

"Oh my God, I've never seen a blue cat before..."

Without hesitation, Miyeon decided to be the answer to the cat's plea. She tenderly lifted the feline into her arms, feeling an inexplicable bond forming between them. It was a connection that surpassed logic, as if destiny had orchestrated their meeting.

Miyeon carefully checked the cat's gender, discovering that she was indeed a girl. A soft smile graced her lips as she held the cat in her arms, feeling a sense of kinship growing stronger with each passing moment.

"You're a girl," Miyeon murmured, her voice filled with tenderness. "Well, it seems like you would want to live with me." The cat responded with a gentle meow, as if understanding and acknowledging Miyeon's words.

Miyeon's heart swelled with warmth as she cradled the cat, feeling an immediate bond forming between them. In that moment, it was as if they were meant to find each other—a connection that transcended mere chance.

"Don't worry," Miyeon whispered softly. "I'll be taking care of you from now on. I'll make sure you're healthy and receive the love you deserve."

The cat nuzzled against Miyeon's chest, a gesture that spoke volumes, affirming their newfound companionship. It was a silent promise, a commitment of care and protection.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Miyeon carried the cat in her arms, walking back through the alleyways with a newfound lightness in her step.

As the days passed, the bond between Miyeon and the cat grew stronger. Miyeon made sure to provide the cat with all the essentials, purchasing a collar, cat toys, and nutritious food. The love and care she poured into their relationship were evident in every action.

Sitting on her living room floor, Miyeon gently held the cat collar in her hands. As she attempted to put it on the cat, she realized she hadn't given her furry friend a name yet. A thoughtful expression crossed her face as she pondered.

"What name should I give you?" Miyeon mused aloud, looking into the cat's eyes. "I can't just call you 'kitty.' You deserve a special name that reflects your uniqueness."

As Miyeon tightened the collar around the cat's neck, she noticed a familiar character adorning it—Minnie Mouse. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and inspiration struck her.

"What about I name you Minnie?" Miyeon suggested, a glimmer of excitement in her voice. "It's perfect. Just like this collar that brought us together. From now on, you'll be Minnie."

Minnie responded with a contented purr, as if acknowledging her newly bestowed name. It was as if fate had guided Miyeon's hand in choosing the perfect moniker—a name that would carry meaning, love, and a touch of whimsy.

Miyeon gently stroked Minnie's blue fur, feeling the soft vibrations of contented purring emanating from her feline companion. The rhythmic sound was a soothing melody that echoed through the room, bringing a sense of peace and tranquility.

"Well, Minnie, I'm going to have to go to work tomorrow," Miyeon whispered, her voice filled with affection. "But for now, it's time to sleep." She leaned in and gave Minnie a final peck on the head before settling down.

Minnie, understanding the routine, curled up right beside Miyeon, finding comfort in their shared warmth. As Miyeon nestled into her bed, she felt a sense of serenity enveloping her. It was a feeling of being protected and loved, knowing that Minnie was by her side.

"Goodnight, Minnie," Miyeon whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. Minnie responded by rubbing her head against Miyeon's chin, a gentle gesture that conveyed affection and trust. The warmth of their connection wrapped around them like a cozy blanket, lulling them into a peaceful slumber.

In the realm of dreams, Miyeon's mind danced with visions of the enchanting journey that awaited her. It was a world where love, mystery, and the extraordinary converged, guided by the whispers of destiny. And as the night unfolded, the bond between Miyeon and Minnie continued to deepen, forging a connection that would defy the boundaries of the ordinary.

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