a strang suspicion

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(Picture belongs to BenniePhil on reddit)

[this is now taking place 7 months after the honey moon]

[TW: abuse, unwanted sexual assault, attempted suicide]
[If your not comfortable with these thing I highly recommend skipping or not reading this]

it was a normal warm summer day everyone was doing there own thing.

Fundys POV: I was on the couch reading cuddling with (r/n) the book I was reading was a fairy tale about a wide who was saved by a knight. I looked over the book to see (r/n) soundly sleeping, I smile and go back to reading forgetting about my husband/wife upstairs locked in a guest room.

Dreams POV: I was sitting on the bed near the only window in that room the room wasn't to big but also wasn't to small, the window was tinted so I was able to see others but others couldn't see me.., I haven't been able to go out lately the last time I snuck out to go hang with sapnap Fundy found out and took me back here and beat me till I was begging and sobbing on the floor bleeding and bruised. But now I can't do anything I got my phone privilege taken away as well.. I miss seeing everyone.

as time flew the sun started to set and the sky turned a pinkish purple gradient. Dream was in the kitchen cooking while fundy and (r/n) where upstairs getting ready to go to a party

fundy and (r/n) came down stairs after around 40 minutes  dream looked at them

"Where are yall going?.." dream said mixing the food
"None ya business" fundy said wrapping his arm around (r/n) placing his hand on her waist

"Your going to another party aren't you?.." dream said looking at them
"So what I can do what I want dumb bitch" fundy said with a low growl
"Says you.." dream muttered lowly
"What was that!" Fundy said going up to dream with a stern look

"I said Says yo-" before dream can even finish his sentence fundy back hand slapped him making dream have a shocked expression  as dreams eyes teared up a bit
"DONT YOU EVER TALK BACK TO ME AGAIN BITCH!?" fundy screamed yelling at dream before throwing dream to the floor before looking at him and walking away with (r/n) and leaving the house

Dream stood on the floor for a second ND he wiped his eyes before getting up and finish cooking his food
Dream ate took a shower and stayed in his room for the rest of the night

Fundy came home really late (r/n) wasn't with him but fundy was drunk like really drunk as he stumbled his way up stairs to the guest room where dream was. Fundy opened the door and walked in "you get over here"

Dream stood up from the bed and went to him. Once dream was infront of him, fundy punched dream in the stomach  making dream fall to the ground as fundy beat dream fundy started feeling funny despite him being drunk  he got on top of dream while dream was on the floor and pinned dream down dream struggled to get him off pushing him and screaming as fundy kissed dreams neck as he started tearing riping dreams clothes off. Fundy then took of his clothes dream still struggling to get fundy away fundy slapped dream again making him stop for a second as fundy grabbed dreams neck as he forced his self into dream; dream screamed not wanting this or enjoying this.

In the morning dream was laying on the floor blooded bruised and felt terrible fundy had raped him dream cried

After awhile fundy came into dreams room and grabbed him and dragging him down stairs "listen were having company and I don't watch ya around while there here ya peace of shit" fundy opened a door which led to the basement as he threw dream down in the basement  making dream hit the stairs on the way down as fundy closed and locked the door.

Dreams POV: I felt terrible u was in more pain cause of the stairs when fundy threw me in the basement I got up and looked out the small window on the high wall. It felt like hours iv been down here I looked around and found wires my mind started to go to a dark place
I started getting bad flash backs of how fundy treated  me I grabbed the wire and slowly tied it around my neck as I began to pull on the ends making it tighten I then I let go the wire releasing its self off my neck  I tear up crying.

Fundy never let dream out the basement fundy did leave food for him and the only time dream saw fundy is when fundy came down to beat dream

Mean while Wilbur,  sapnap and Phil and techno have been very suspicious of where dream went then they payed a visit to fundy that's when fundy told them dream went on vacation techno and Wilbur did not believe fundy and became more suspicious.

What will happen next? stay tuned to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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