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"Come on you can't hide all day Angel." Chloe said pulling an earbud out of my ear. I sat up and turned my ipod off, I was listening to some Mötley Crüe to try and take my mind off what was currently happening. "We should go out for some drinks." She finished.
"Aren't I too young?" Rosalind questioned.
"You can drink some drinks at 16 in Germany, just not the heavier stuff." I replied. Rosalind was the youngest out of us, she was still 17. "You guys just go without me."
"Seriously Angel. Who cares what other people think. They don't know you, we do and that's all that matters. You can't let a little thing prevent you from going out. After a few drinks you'll soon forget about it." Chloe said getting up and pulling a short blue dress out of my suitcase and throwing it at me. "That would look nice with some white shoes." Chloe was right, I can't let it ruin our trip.
"Should we go to a restaurant first?" I asked. I didn't eat much earlier and now I was starving.
"Yeah sure, I'll pay." Chloe offered.
"Are you sure." Rosalind questioned. "I'll feel bad"
"Yeah yeah my treat."

We went to a restaurant in a different part of Munich. The meal was nice and no one seemed to recognise me. Either because they are over it or because my makeup changed my face, I decided to do a heavier eye look. The night was looking up.

We made our way to our first club. Techno music was blaring from within and colourful lights were spilling out onto the street. We went in and it was bursting with people. I felt relieved when I realised everyone was too busy dancing or talking to notice me. We ordered some drinks, drank them and then headed out to the dance floor.

"Hey, you're Bills girlfriend aren't you?" Oh for gods sake.
"I'm not his girlfriend." I snapped back.
"That's not what the pictures and videos suggest." She spoke in English with an accent that I couldn't work out.
"The pictures and videos don't mean anything." My voice slightly raised now.
"No need to get hostile. Bill's too good for someone like you, you don't deserve him anyway." She smirked. A jealous fan I presume. "I bet you were just a worthless one night stand"
"Shut up you don't know anything." My voice now shouting, causing a lot of people to stop and stare.
"Well your defensiveness suggests otherwise." Her mouth curved into a sinister grin.
"I'm not his girlfriend, I'm not a one night stand, nothing happened." My hands now balled into fists, most people were now watching.
"Exactly, you're nothing and never will be, especially not to him." She laughed and went to walk off. Without thinking I punched her square in the jaw, awarding me with a few shocked gasps from the people around us. "What the fuck you psychotic bitch." She staggered backwards. I went to swing again but Chloe and Rosalind grabbed me and started to drag me out of the club. I don't know what came over me, maybe I really do want to mean something to Bill.

"I cannot believe you just did that" Chloe said, she was laughing so hard and clutching her stomach. "I can't breathe."
"I didn't know you had that in you." Rosalind said now also laughing.
"What were you even thinking? Imagine you get arrested." Chloe said still laughing.
"I don't know. That hurt." I replied starting to smile. "What will people think if that gets out?" I asked.
"I'm sure it won't, I'm sorry that was so funny." Chloe was still laughing.
"Imagine it ruins your reputation and your band gets nowhere." Rosalind said, stopping laughing.
"That's exactly what I thought." I replied getting worried.
"Oh shut up that's not gonna happen. Stop saying things like that Ros." Chloe hit Rosalind on the arm and started to calm down. "Ecstasy's reputation is fine right now. You need to stop caring about what others think."
I hope Chloe's right, our band Ecstasy is finally starting to get some attraction, this could make people hate me.
"Anyway let's just go back. We should pack we leave for Frankfurt tomorrow." She said.
I woke up to the sun in my eyes. "Who the fuck opened the blinds." I rolled over to shield my eyes from the brightness.
"Sorry we couldn't see very well." Rosalind apologised.
"I made you a cup of tea though." Chloe walked over and put a mug down on the nightstand.
"Thanks. Do you wanna watch some TV?" I asked teaching for the remote.
"Yeah sure." Chloe replied walking back over to her suitcase.

I started to flick through the channels to see what I could find until one caught my eye. It was the news. I thought I saw my face flash up but I must have imagined it.
"Why are we watching the news." Chloe asked confused.
"No reason, I'll change it." I was about to change then my face popped up on the screen. "You've got to be kidding me." I said throwing the remote beside me.
"It could just be the one we saw yesterday. Don't overreact." Chloe said looking up at the screen. Just as she said that the video of me punching the girl started to play.
"Oh my god" Rosalind laughed.
"Am I allowed to overreact now?" I asked Chloe, my breathing rapidly increasing.
"It's fine I'm sure it means nothing, plus they only know your face." Chloe said walking over to sit next to me.
"That's true" Rosalind agreed.
"Or not." I said in shock as my name flashed up on the screen.
Chloe grabbed the remote from beside me and turned the tv off, "we don't need to watch that. It doesn't matter what they say about you, it means nothing. Come on let's just get on our train to Frankfurt." Chloe pulled me up off the bed.
We got ready listening to music instead and left for our train.
"You need to stop thinking about it." Chloe said nudging me. I was staring out of the train window, zoned out. "You're fine, everything's fine." She said reassuring me.
"You're right I guess."

I looked at Chloe and Ros and they were both asleep. It was about 1 hour into our just over 3 hour journey. I wouldn't be able to sleep because my mind was racing so I decided to pull out my notebook and scribble down ideas for some songs. I eventually came up with the line "I don't give a damn about my reputation" and I built the framework of a song around that. Chloe's right, I can't worry about what people think about me and I can't let people say bad things about me. I ended up calling the song "reputation" because I shouldn't care about this ruining mine.

"What's that?" Rosalind asked, waking up and pointing to my notebook.
"Nothing just a song I was writing. I think we are here." I said closing my notebook and putting it back in bag. We woke Chloe up, got off and got a taxi to the hotel. Hopefully Frankfurt will be better.
bad reputation = Joan Jett
every song I write about are going to be real songs and they will be referenced here.
we will be meeting Bill again soon!

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