Part 1𓆛

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You strolled across the beach with your waterproof satchel that carried multiple small jars.

You wore a pair of simple swim trunks, a button up swim shirt, and a pair of slides. Although after you arrived at the beach you took off your shoes and stuck them in your bag. You also carried a clear, plastic, waterproof bag that held your phone. (You weren't planning to get in the water, but better safe than sorry)

You looked down at your feet while you walked across the beach. You found a lovely looking shell. You bent down and picked it up, it was a mussel shell. It was a beautiful shade of light purple, and had lighter blue stripes.

"Ooo~ wow."

You said, opening your bag you pulled out the jar that had a shell sticker on the lid. You unscrewed the lid and placed the shell inside, then you slid the jar back into it's place.

You had jars for shells, sea glass, shark teeth, small rocks, ect. And a larger jar that had all man made things in it. Which included rings, chains, small toys, braclets, lighters, ect. Plus and open slot for things that would not fit in any of the jars.

You noticed something shiny near the water so you moved closer. You gasped. It was a medium sized rose quarts shard. You crouched down, picking it up carfully.

"Oh~ wow. This is amaz-"

"Oi! Can't you Read the signs?! There's no swimming today!"

A loud voice cut you off. You turned around and stood up, clutching the shard. Searching for the person that the voice belonged to. Looking up you see a man standing atop a life gaurd tower.

He was a blond man, with Bright red eyes. You could see the tan line from where he had worn a tank top. He wore red swim trunks, and a red viser, he had a gold whistle hanging around his neck. He had something stopped onto his back, you couldn't tell what it was from where you were standing.

'Why does he even have a whistle if he's just gonna yell to get my attention?'

You thought.

"Why is there no swimming today?"

You yelled back.

"Why?! Not only is the surf rough, there's damn sharks around!"

He yelled.

"Ok! I'm just beach combing!"

"Beach combing? Fine. Just keep your ass out of the water. Got me? I may be the laike gaurd, but that doesn't mean I want to was the my time keeping your sorry hide from becoming Shark food because you don't know how to listen."

"That's fine. Just looking for shells!"

You responded.

"Although I wouldn't mind seeing a shark."

You added under your breath. You loved sharks, they were your favorite animal.

"Yeah, whatever. Take all the damn shells on the beach for all I care. Just remember extra, No Swimming. Or else."

"Ok! No swimming, got it."

You said, and began walking away. You looked down at your find.

"Wow. This really is a beautiful peice of rose quarts."

You open your bag and pull out and empty jar, placing the shard inside of it. Then putting the jar back. You continued searching for things. After a bit of walking you thought you had seen a pink painted topshell in a tide pool. You get closer to it, the waves picking the side of the tide pool. You bent down trying to find it again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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