Chapter 16

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"You don't know that, maybe it was suicidal

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"You don't know that, maybe it was suicidal." Reid panted, staring at the deer as well.

"No, it definitely tried to kill me, I saw the fire in its eyes."

Grabbing the phone and sitting in the driver's seat I called 911. The phone dialed clicking shortly, an automatic message playing out the speaker. "No signal," I grunted, throwing the phone back in the car.

I looked down at the large hands resting on my stomach. I tilted my head up at Reid who stared down at me with his warm hazel eyes. "Uhm, you don't have to hold onto me like that." I gestured awkwardly to his arms wound around my waist.

"I thought you'd like to keep the pressure off your knee," he grinned boyishly. He let me stand on my own, leaving me to stagger slightly with nothing to stabilize me.

"So, we're in the middle of the road with no signal and a bunch of pastries," I said matter-of-factly laughing loudly at the last past.

"I forgot we had those," Reid lit up like a child on Christmas morning. He popped open the trunk and grabbed a plastic container of chocolate chip cookies.

"Really, you're going to eat cookies while there's a dead deer dangling from your car!" I shook my head.

He lifted his shoulders and then dropped them, "I'm hungry."

"Reid what are we going to do!" I yelled, feeling the air becoming thick. I scratched my head, my nerves getting the best of me.

He swallowed, holding out his hand, "want a cookie?"

I slapped it out of his hand, the cookie falling to the dirt. He frowned, grabbing another cookie and shoving it into his mouth.

"Be serious," I frowned. "We're in the middle of flipping nowhere."

He closed his trunk, grabbing our phones and keys. "Let's start walking then, we shouldn't be too far from town," he nodded his head in the direction we were going in. He started walking but I called out to him, stopping him in his tracks.

"I need my crutches," I whined looking where I left it in my seat.

He scoffed, taking a look at the door completely destroyed and the window shattered. "I'm not going back into that death trap. Its ghost is probably haunting the inside of my car right now."

"But I can't walk properly without them," I exhaled, splaying my arms out in protest.

He looked up, contemplating the next move in his head. I tapped my fingers on my arm waiting impatiently. He stuffed his phone and keys into his pocket, setting the cookies on the hood of the car. Dusting himself off, he bent down in front of me. "Hop on."

I hesitated, staring at his back and shoulders. "I don't want to crush you," I said warily.

He whipped his head in my direction, "Crush me? You barely weigh a thing. I could literally throw you around like a rag doll. C'mon, get on."

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