PART 3: Common Miscommunications

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Dan had to take the subway home that day, instead of the usual ride with Jaekyung, thankfully there was still daylight to light the way, as it was barely four in the afternoon. He knew the fighter didn't liked it when he took the subway as "he smelled weird" after riding it, so it was odd he suddenly requested him to find his own way home. But he did, and now he was sitting on the couch, unsure of what to do now. Should he prepare himself, or just sit still until Jae arrived? He didn't specify the nature of his decision, but what would be the wisest choice? He knew Jae, he knew what he had to do, as to not annoy him even more than what he already was.

As Dan prepared himself in Jaekyung's bedroom, he couldn't help but wonder what set Jae off that way. Everything seemed good just a month earlier, when he was about to face the Butcher. What happened? What made him change, after making him think that he was different for a moment? Was it the spur of a moment, or just a mirage of his own deep desires? How would Dan know? The only clue he had was that he looked at him so differently the night before the match, an eyesight he could only compare to the ones he saw in a few paintings in the history museum of Seoul. It wasn't at all to the hard stare he gave other people, even him, in the gym, or in public, or technically anywhere: but that night...

That was his real stare, those were his real eyes. Not the ones filled with secrecy, mystery and that impose fear into whoever happens to reach them. It was soft, tender, he was looking at him with them, the same way one admires the dying sunset in a summer day. His fingers were still touching the inside of his body, thinking of that sight and he couldn't help but replay that image in his head. He left a soft moan, closing his own eyes, unwilling to let that perfect image go away from him. Why him? Out of everyone he ever knew, why is Jaekyung looking at him so tenderly, so softly, just to turn around and pretend he didn't exist? Lost in thought, he only realized he wasn't alone when another pair of fingers showed up inside him, moving at a faster pace than what he was doing earlier. He turned around quickly, finding Jae's smirk and fun gaze on him.

"So smart to prepare for me Dan... but you're still awful at it."

Dan gasped out of surprise for finding him right behind him, gulping softly. He could be sneaky sometimes, not make a noise when moving in the house and just appear behind him. At least he didn't had that scary or angry aura around him after his attitude that morning, so he just nodded and took his own fingers out, letting Jae prepare him. Moaning softly, he let himself enjoy the moment as he took his time to prepare him.

"Jae...kyung..." Dan whimpered, trying to look over his shoulder to see if he was looking over him. And oh, was he right. He had his stare straight into his eyes, looking down on him as usual, unbeknownst to Dan of the effect him whimpering his name had on Jaekyung.

Jaekyung had spent a month trying to not think of Dan in any other way that wasn't professional, pushing him away from his own denied feelings and the arouse he always got whenever he had him nearby. But even if the heart tries to deny it, his penis couldn't help it but get amazed at the idea of Dan whispering his name in a shaky voice. He looked at him straight in the eyes when he looked him over his shoulder, hurrying up to pull down his pants. He grabbed his penis but just as he was about to put it in, he stopped on his own tracks. Swiftly, he reached for his wallet, where he pulled out a small squared package: it was a condom. Dan tried not to think too much of it, even if he thought it was weird for him to just randomly decide to use them... Has he found someone else to deal with his jinx? It made sense: the random good night, the way he ignored him constantly unless he needed his medical knowledge, him using condoms out of the blue, what did he do? He gulped softly as the tip started to enter, laying his chest on the bed while leaving his hips up for Jaekyung to use.

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