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Stares, that's all he knew

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Stares, that's all he knew. That and whispered concerns from everybody/everything that roamed the wizarding world. Parents would pull their kids closer into their sides when he'd come around, like he was diseased or something. Y/n payed no mind to it though, all he needed was the affirmation and cool words from his father reassuring that everything was fine.

Was it though? Probably not.

"Papa!" Y/n calls out to his father who sits reading the news on his recliner. His father turns his head ,slicked back dark brown hair falling in his face slightly, as he ushers his son twords him.

"What is it?" He asks just as enthusiastic.

Y/n jumps up and down giddy with delight. "I got the letter!" His fathers eyebrows raise and he scoots over patting the now free space on his left and signals for Y/n to take a seat.

"Well let's hear it!" Y/n jumps to his spot next to his father tearing open the envelope as fast as he could, Inside a letter. He reads it once in his head making his father chuckle softly. "Out loud, I wanna hear it too!" His father jokes making Y/n smile.

"Oh yeah!" Y/n clears his throat getting ready to read the lengthy letter. "Dear Y/n L/n, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School
of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books
and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Y/n and his Father's eyes light up upon hearing this great news.

"You got in!"

"I got in!" They say interrupting each other happily. Y/n father picks him up spinning him around making Y/n laugh excitedly. "I got it!" He chants and chants to his father over and over again. His father sets Y/n down and Y/n sets of twords his room already to start packing.

His father just shakes his head laughing softly. "not yet, Y/n!" He yells running after his now gone child. "we still have a month and a half!" He laughs.

• • •

A month and a half had passed since the entrance of Y/n's acceptance letter and he was now late for his train ride. "C'mon papa, were gonna be lateee!" Y/n whines as he pulls his father along with a tug of his arm. His father laughs before he fallows along sharply.

"Lead the way Captain L/n!" He salutes with his free hand and a mock straight face as Y/n does so leading the way. Soon they both reach the end of the train and Y/n hands the train conductor his ticket promptly. "Welp I guess this is good-bye..." His father slicks back his shirt with one hand nervously tears welling up in his glass light eyes. Its hard for any parent to see their child grow up so fast, especially seeing them go away for so long.

Y/n notices his fathers apprehension and hugs him tightly. "I'll be ok, papa... Don't worry!" Y/n let's go of the hug taking his ticket form the conductor getting onto the train as fast as he could. "Promise!" He yells from the trains hall in-between windows. His father's face one of that of uncertainty and trust.

Y/n makes his way through the compartments at a surprisingly steady pace looking for a free compartment to stay in for the long ride.

After what seemed like forever for the young boy he stumbled into a compartment with few people in it. It comprised of two boys around his age, one with flamming red hair and the other with dark raven messy like hair they seemed to be talking about something when Y/n had opened the door softly, both boys turning to face him. "Do you mind if I sit with you guys?" Y/n asks. On of them shrugs while the other nods his head head no signaling that he doesn't mind. "Great!" Y/n takes a seat at the far corner of the compartment near the window, he looks out it for a moment before he decides it's time for an introduction. "Names Y/n L/n," He introduces himself making the boys turn to him, the one with red hair eyes going wide, almost like he's heard of him before, Y/n continues disregarding the red haired boys wide eyes. "What's your guy's names?" He asks waiting patiently for a reply.

The one with circle framed glasses and deep brown hair replies first. "Harry, Harry Potter." The boy now known as harry sticks out his hand for the boy Infront of him to shake, Y/n does so politely shaking Harry's hand. "Thats Ron," harry continues as they' drop each other's hands. "We just met." Ron hesitantly shakes Y/n's hand due to all the sweets cluttering his hands, but he does so none the less warming up to the e/c boy next to him.

Y/n smiles as Ron and him drop hands as well. All three of them jumping into conversation, the rest is all history.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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