"You can't deny what we have...."♡

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You and Kai are trapped in 1994 since 5 months now.You hate Kai so much,you think that he is the worst guy on this empty planet.But,deep down in your heart,you have feelings for him...
Kai snaps his fingers and you clear up your thoughts."What?"You say to Kai harshly.You see him sitting next to you and you roll your eyes."What were you thinking about,Cupcake?"He says,raising an eyebrow.You hate when he calls you like that."Do you care?"You say harshly,getting up from the couch.You go in the kitchen to grab a cup of water."God,he makes me nervous."You think,your heart starting to race.You drink your cup of water and you throw your cup in the sink,feeling frustrated.You turn around and you see Kai's face too close to yours.Your heartbeat increases speed and you start blushing."Woah.Too close."You say,feeling nervous."What's wrong,Cupcake?Do I make you nervous?"He says,smirking.You feel your breath catching up on your throat."No,you don't.Now move."You say,frustrated."Awh,Cupcake.You can't deny what we have."Kai says,smirking."Which is?"You say,raising an eyebrow."Sexual Tension."Kai says,biting his lip."God,that turns me on so bad.Wait,what?Oh god,I am a mess."You think,feeling your heart race faster than ever."I don't know what you are talking about."You say,rolling your eyes."Oh yeah?Well,I know you have feelings for me.I mean,come on.Can't you see it? How you react when I say a compliment to you or when I say somthing dirty?You blush hard and I swear I see a tiny smile on that cute lips of yours."He says,smirking and you blush harder."That is so not true."You say,serious."It is true,Y/N.You are lying to yourself.I can hear your heartbeat increasing speed.You are in love with me but you are too proud to admit it."Kai says,his face a few inches to yours."I am not in love with you."You say breathless,looking at his eyes and at his lips at the same time."Oh really?What if I do this?"Kai says and he crashes his lips on yours.You kiss back right away,feeling tingles in your body and your heart racing like a fast bullet.He grabs your waist,pulling you more close to him,just to make the kiss deeper.After a few minutes that seemed eternity to you,he stops the kiss and he smirks at you.He was right.You couldn't admit your feelings for him because you are too proud.Well,you were too proud.You love him but you want more."You were right,Kai.I am crazily in love with you.Are you?"You say to Kai and he grins."Yes,Cupcake.I am crazily in love with you also."Kai says as he pulls you closer to him again."I think I like this nickname now."You say,chuckling.He chuckles too.He looks at you deeply and he puts his hand on your cheek.You feel your cheeks on fire and he smiles."You are so adorable when you blush."He says,doing a tiny smile at you.You do a tiny smile at him too as you are nose to nose."Y/N,I need you."He whispers inbetween your lips."I am all yours."You say at him and he bites his lip.He returned to his old dirty self.He crashes his lips on yours.You know what comes next;) ♡
Finally writing again!♡So happy!I am starting to love Teen Wolf now♡Yay!Still in love with Chris tho♡TVD & TW are my life now♡
By Giulia=) ♡
P.S ILY all♡♡♡Thanks for 1.51 K reads♡

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