Looks Like Your Still The Same Old Vivo....

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Andres got an invitation to go to Marta's final concert, and Vivo was not happy about it. Emilie had ran away from the scene as Andres broke into a song. After the song, Vivo ran after her.

Vivo: Em?

Emilie: you can't call me that.

Vivo: Why not? It used to be my favorite nickname for you.

Emilie: Because we're not dating anymore and we're not gonna get back together. I'm not that weak, vulnerable and shy kinkajou I used to be.

Vivo: Why'd you run away?

Emilie: I couldn't be in the same place as the person who broke my heart years ago. You only care about your music.

Vivo: Emilie, I cared about you.

Emilie: wow. *rolls her eyes, sarcastically* that's gonna be in the newspapers. Plus you denied Andres's need to go to Miami.

Vivo: I'm just scared about losing my friend okay?

Emilie: *looks away from Vivo* Hmph. Guess I was right. You're still the same old Vivo.

Emilie jumps off the tree they were on

Vivo: Emilie! Wait! *sighs* I'm sorry.........

Vivo x OC: Forgive MeWhere stories live. Discover now