Chapter 6

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Sky's POV

"Sky, baby, wake up." I hear someone whisper in my ear, I groan and slowly open my eyes, "Hi." Freya smiles at me.

"Hey." I whisper, pulling her down and digging my face in her neck.

"Sky, honey, we have to get up." Freya tries to get up but I hold her tighter.

"No." I move even closer somehow.

Freya gently moves my head out of her neck and moves my hair out of my face, "Come on, honey." Freya says gently.

"I don't want to." I pout at her, she smiles and cups my cheek gently.

"I know you don't. But I have to make breakfast and I know you like to help." Freya says softly.

"Fine." I pout as I sit up and rub my eyes.

"You're adorable." Freya kisses my cheek before standing up, I notice she's only in my shirt and panties.

"You're beautiful." I whisper and she blushes.

"Stopppp." Freya says as she reaches down and grabs her sweatpants. Relax, we didn't do anything, she just got hot last night.

She puts them on as I just watch her through squinted eyes.

"Come on, honey." Freya says, I sit up and watch as Freya walks over to me.

She runs her hands through my hair before she gently kisses me, I barley kiss back before she pulls away.

I pout and she smiles widely, kissing me again, longer this time.

When she pulls away, she hands me sweatpants and a t shirt she wore last night.

I smile at her before I get dressed.

When dressed, I follow her downstairs where she quickly gets to cooking.

As she cooks eggs and bacon on the stove, I stand behind her just hugging her.

I have my face in her neck, falling asleep standing up when she gently taps my arm, "Hm?"

"You have to move sweetheart." Freya says, I groan but move and sit down at my normal seat in the dining room.

I must've fallen asleep bc I get woken up by a small hand hitting me. I look down and I see Hope. (I forgot how old I made her so she's old enough to walk)

"Hey, kid." I smile and she makes grabby hands to me.

I gently pick her up and have her sit on my lap facing the table, since the chair is pretty high you have a full view of her.

A click goes off and I look up to see Freya holding her phone pointed towards us.

"Sorry, you guys just looked so cute." I blush, "Can you watch her while I finish up? She started crying so I got her."

"Sure, I got her." I smile at my girlfriend and she grins back walking over to give me a small kiss before going back to cooking.

I turn Hope around to face me, "I love your aunt." I whisper and she starts laughing, "Don't tell her I said that." I smile and she places her chubby hands on my face.

I turn my head and gently bite them and she giggles even harder.

After a few minutes, everyone starts coming in, and as Hayley comes in, she sees us and smiles.

"I was wondering where she was." She says.

"Sorry." I say focused on Hope, "Freya heard her crying a few minutes ago and went up and got her."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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