2. Sweet Saturday

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Saturday, October 10th 1973


I couldn't stop thinking about that boy from yesterday. Michael, it was. I swore I've seen him somewhere. It didn't hit me until after I returned home; he was Michael Jackson of the Jackson 5. I could tell he was somewhat relieved given our casual interaction. I've never been a huge fan of him and his brothers, neither am I familiar with much of their music. I've seen them on television, heard a few of their most popular songs, as well as billboards with their faces on them; but that was truly it. It didn't cross my mind not even for a second that he was a famous celebrity, I was just happy to see my Willow. I look down at my feat to where Willow slept soundly. She's such a lovely girl. I'm truly attached to her. She's the only thing that keeps me going in this big world as lonely as mine.

I heard my door creak open, causing me to snap my head over to the noise. My mother peaked her head into my room, then let herself in. I sighed an annoyed sigh as she came into my room. My pet ran away, and it was her fault. I didn't want to speak to her.

"Good morning, Stella," She smiled at me. "How'd you sleep?"

"I almost didn't," I scoffed at her. If she knew of the heartbreak I felt last night, she probably wouldn't even pretend care.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" She asks, somewhat concerned.

"You and dad left the door open last night," I started hesitantly. "Willow ran away..." I avoid eye contact with my mother while speaking to her.

"Well, she's here. So it's not that much of a big deal, right?" She chuckles. Does she think this is a joke? I could've lost my Willow, or worst-worst case scenario she could've been hurt real bad.

"You really don't get it, mom," I sat up on my bed, furrowing my eyebrows at her ignorance. "She ran away. Because you and dad left the door open. Something could've happened to her, because of you!"

"I don't see how this is my fault," She raises an eyebrow at me. "Maybe you should teach that cat not to run out of this house."

Of course she wouldn't admit to something like this, or let alone even attempt to take accountability. Sometimes I was glad she was rarely home, then I wouldn't have to deal with how complicated and infuriating she was on a daily basis. I could never talk to her about anything, and whenever I did, it would turn into something like this.

"You were the one who left the door open! She probably thought she was able to go outside!" I yelled, causing Willow to awake from her slumber.

"Whatever, Stella. You better lower that tone of yours," My mom flipped her relaxed hair behind her shoulder, before seemingly changing the subject. "Your father and I are going to be out this weekend. We are getting ready to leave in the next hour. What are you going to be doing while we aren't home?"

"What I usually do," I speak under my breath, but loud enough for my mother to hear.

"And what would that be, Stella Annalise McCarter?"

"Whatever I want," I shrug at her, with a blank expression upon my face. Though this was true, I knew my mom would get annoyed with this response.

"Just don't stay out late, and don't let no strangers into the house," She instructs before exiting my room, finally leaving me alone.

I looked over at my record player, and all of the sudden, a massive wave of curiosity washed over me. I left my room and snuck into my parents [room]—I was eager to see what the Jackson 5 were all about. My father has a huge huge record collection. It's so big I could climb it. It was almost like a book case, but instead of books, there were records. Thankfully the sections were labeled so I wouldn't have to spend much time looking. I hurriedly flipped through the E-K section, it didn't take me long to find a record that had G.I.T in big letters with the Michael and his brother inside the letters.

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