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date: 16 November 3029

"After Thousand years of living in the shadows and fantasies of humans the dragons are finally planning to take back wat was rightfully theirs. From the beginning of time,they hate us with every living cells in their body ,they hate us for the way we distroy their peacefull homes. The hate us for slaughtering their family as if it was nothing. They hate us for driving them into the shadows and turning them into nothing more than our fantasy. I understand there anger it is reasonable after all we where no good for their planet. We distroyed the most beautiful thing that was given to us. But what they don't understand is that we can change...We can change, we are not the same people as before. They won't listen to us! They are not reasonable ! What will they gane by destroing us!" He takes a deep breath to calm himself.

"Uncle i..,i don't understand why your telling me this" . He ignores the question.

"For a long time we thought that they dont have any weakness....But you know what boy? They have a weakness like every living being in this crazy world. The compass is their weakness. That is the only thing that can and will distroy them and save the human race"

"A compass?" Sebastian asked

"Yes a compass ,the dragon compass "sebastian's uncle reply,

and your going to help me find it ! "


I hope you guys like it.

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