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Ah, isn't it fun to just relax during the summer time? For the psychos who choose sit out in the sun, waiting to become barbeque for the next family gathering that's the case.

Crim Rocker: But for twenty well chosen people who may or may not have signed up for this, sitting out in the sun and surviving the harsh enviroment is something that they're stuck with for the long coming games as we are live in the middle of fucking nowhere with a show GUARENTEED to give you chills, thrills & shrills!...Ok that sort of rhymed c'mon now, anyways, now they won't have to stay out in the sun ALL the time. Like who the fuck do you think we are? Those fucks over at Survivor? I'm on to your schemes Jeff you fuck. We have the bare neccessities gathered up for all competitors at hand but the one thing we had to nab was an island and it's a good thing that I had a favor I needed cashed in so ladies & gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you, this seasons special guest host (alongside me of course) ROMAN REIGNS!

*And as the music kicks in, so does our narration. Roman Reigns makes his way in front of the camera with his *ahem* Undisputed, Universal, Heavyweight, Championship OF THE WORLD over his shoulder. Roman has a glee on his face as well as Crim before Roman begins to speak.*

Roman Reigns: That's right uce! All of y'all are gonna be on my island now! You're under the rules of the Chief, the laws of the jungle as they say and I'm not even gonna lie to y'all. I don't know what's out here in these jungles and most importantly, I don't really care cause I'm getting paid not only for y'all to sit out here and twidde your thumbs, I'm getting paid to be on this screen every second so before we get to people coming in here & making themselves at home. Lets just make this clear that y'all are in the Bloodline's house. To the victor, go the spoils.

Crim Rocker: That's absolutely right!..Uhm

*Crim rushes over to the production building which houses Braden Blackwell & Nate Xpress, Crims trusted confidants*

Crim Rocker: ..Guys do we know what the fuck the winner gets?

Nate Xpress: ...Oh shit

Braden Blackwell: Maaaybe recognition?

*Crim & Nate look at Braden stupidly*

Nate Xpress: Yeah that checks out.

Crim Rocker: Are you fucking serious?

Braden Blackwell: Well I could ask Riley.

*Braden slaps himself upside the fucking jaw and suddenly his hair turns to black & in a manbun almost instantly. Revealing his other personality. Riley Blackwell.*

Riley Blackwell: What?

Crim Rocker: Dude, we need something to give the fucking winner of this, how'd we get this far in production and NOT have a prize availible??

Riley Blackwell:  Have you tried prolonging giving the winner their prize to set up for a second stage of this anime plot line that will suddenly be conjured up depending on who may or may not win?

*Everyone just looks at each other confusing, moments later, Crim returns as the competitors start flooding in*

Crim Rocker: The winner will receive recognition for their efforts but there's no time to think about that as people are flooding in!

Total Drama: Island of RelevancyWhere stories live. Discover now