Episode 5: It's Hunting Season

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*We are seen at the beginning of a meeting between the Dark Alliance later in the night after last episodes Camp Trial.*

JZ: I now call this meeting of E.V.I.L to order.

Wade Fenwick: It hasn't even been 5 minutes yet I have to ask, what does that even stand for?

Squidward: Why on earth would you ask-


*Squidward holds his hands over in face as Wade just looks on confused.*

JZ: Have none of you seen that episode of Spongebob?


Adam Aries: Are you two done yet?

JZ: For the most part, yes.

Ganondorf: This meeting has come to order. As we know, the team swap has misplaced some things but it will be no matter in the long run of things.

Wade Fenwick: Actually, we can all give a big round of applause to Adam for conjuring the team swap.

*Wade starts mockingly clapping for Adam while Ganondorf understand the situation.*

Ganondorf: Is this true Aries?

Adam Aries: Lying isn't one of my strong suits so yes, that would be my doing. However, who got swapped where wasn't up to my judgement.

JZ: Relying on the ratings of the show to get the right placement dude?

Adam Aries: That is correct my friend. These hosts scramble for whatever makes good television and thus, now we can have control over the Killer Gass with an iron grip.

Ganondorf: A curious approach that needs to be made with caution. You are aware that while numbers are great, they can absolute be a deterement if people suspect things.

Squidward: Plus Adam, you seemed eerily confidant all day yesterday, do you think that atleast someone caught on to you-

*Adam gives Squidward a passing glace that basically keeps Squidward silent for the most part.*

Adam Aries: Yes, I am aware that yesterday I came off as suspecting but if we need to cover our tracks then there will be sacrifices made.

Squidward: What do you mean sacrifice?

Adam Aries: This alliance is keen on making it to atleast merge and if something has to happen and someone's out..like Theory, then we will deal with it like so. Speaking of Theory, he's a threat to the existence of this alliance.

*Squidward looks nervously at Adam, who says that dismissively.*

Ganondorf: Of course he is. He has the knowledge of it's existence.

Adam Aries: And almost told everyone, luckily, I stopped him.

Wade Fenwick: So basically what I'm hearing here is that Mr. A Town Down needs to be A Town Out.

Ganondorf: That seems like the correct course of action but I may have an idea for someone who can help make that happen. If you are interested in hearing it.

JZ: Ay man, any help is good help. What'cha got?

Wade Fenwick: A new person that could ruin this whole plan for us?

Ganondorf: Actually, it's someone who with enough time can see our vision.

Squidward: Well spit it out already.

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