's you ❤️

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Shenwei waiting for Yunlan at the same traffic signal....where they met first time. Because he promised Zhao to returning his money today.

And as the deal.....Yunlan reach there on time and ask him for his money first. Wei smile "take me somewhere else...." Shenwei said and sits on Yunlan's bike.....then gesture him to drive. Zhao feel suspicious but he nod and drove away.


"Stop....! Stop...!!" Shenwei said to Yunlan stop the bike.....when he saw beach area. "Let's walk..." He said and Yunlan get off his bike then go with Shenwei.

Minute later......

Both walking side by side at the beach and cold winds making the environment beautiful and romantic. Now it was getting dark and the stars were twinkling making the whole atmosphere even more beautiful....than before.

Shenwei quietly walking on the beach while rubbing his arms.....and Yunlan admiring Wei's beautiful face.

and Yunlan admiring Wei's beautiful face

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The moon is the most divine of all light, but it's the stars.....that makes the night so beautiful. As that you!

You are the most divine in my eyes, but it's the star's twinkle.....which makes you so beautiful as ever!!

These words were echoing in Yunlan's heart and mind. He didn't know, why this was happening to him. He had never thought that he would develop such feeling for a boy.....he met suddenly. Due to which his heart would be beyond his control.

"Xiao....Wei !"

Shenwei stop and turn back when he heard Yunlan's voice. Shenwei felt he got what, he was looking for since birth. "What you call me..?" Wei ask in disbelief. Yunlan come near and hold Wei soft hand.

"I don't know whether it is right or wrong. But ever since I met you......only your words keep going on, in my heart and mind. I don't know whether you like me or not.....but you're the answer, which I spend my whole life finding the question....!"

Yunlan lean to place kiss on back of Wei's hand. Then he looked up at his face....for some answers. But Wei pull back his hand and turn around. Yunlan felt hurt when Shenwei....didn't replied to him and turn other side.

He faintly chuckle and take a deep breath after understanding.....Wei's answer. Yunlan's eyes goes moist, because his heart broke once again. "Uh...hey! Please don't get me serious. I'm just....I...huh!!"

Zhao Yunlan lost his words. What happened to Yang in passing month.....he recall it. Tear drop on his cheek and Yunlan start taking his step back.

"I am born with condition. I have abilities like women." Shenwei utter without looking back and his words stop Yunlan's feet. "W..what abilities?" Yunlan seriously looking at Wei's back and other slowly turn back to Yunlan.

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